Crusty Lips and Joints In Flames

I felt like laying down and dieing yesterday. I couldnt, but I thought of it enough. I kept eying my watch hoping work would end soon. My sides were tender, my head reacted to my touch my sending a shot of pain throughout my nerve-endings and making me wince in pain in front of thr customers. Not to mention the hazy look on my face. It hurt to move anything. Yet, still I decided to be better than I knew I could be and trudge to the mall with little gas and look for clothes that I kind of liked but I hoped others would like more so they would like me some. Much. It became worse. I lost my keys and I got really upset. I knew my dad would be angry, I knew he would spout out all the same phrases. I searched and searched for them. I could not find them. "A" put the idea in my head that they might be inside the car. Thanks A. He came and all I could think about was a daydream of being hit or pushed and running away. Living on the streets for the rest of the night, sick and lonesome. Turns out they were in the car, he was right, I was stupid. I went home. I drifted off to sleep with a hundred plus temperature. I called in sick for work today. I have a little cut on my finger that bothers me and my head still feels like a million pounds. With nothing inside. And that econ. project is due, what will I do.
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Your u-g-l-y ugly
is it sick that i have day dreams of ending up on someone's lawn, beaten, and torn, maybe i could get come cool attention. or sometimes i day dream about getting the shit kicked out of me at work and i wonder what would happen. and while i do this people float by and i dont notice them. so if they drown i'm screwed. i wish someone would just punch me in the face in public already.

oh, the dementedness of it all...
I have a new SD... tutorgrrl.. and I don't use this one anymore. Laters.
that anonymous person is such a fucking coward. if you're going to insult someone, at least learn to fucking spell your insult correctly you fag. and if you're going to insult someone, show your fucking face you cunt! people like you make me wish i wasn't human.

anyway chris, i hope you feel better soon.. i hope the strokes will make you feel better. :)
Thanx dude. You are like the ONLY one who has added my new name.
i have nothing.
