
I fell. I reached up to open the vent because it was hot and everyone was complaining it was hot in my room. It was stuck and I pushed at it and I kept pushing and I was on the tips of my toes. My eyes, my eyes were flooded with spots. Not like I always imagine when people refer to seeing spots. It was a green, blurry kind of fuzz that started in the corners and quickly started to envelop the middles and the other sides of my eyes. It didn't finish, my head felt heavy and I started to fall back. I thought it was going to hurt. I thought I would hear a thud and maybe I really did but it was soft. I barely remember how long it took till I was on the ground. Staring up at the white ceiling saying this is real, this is real. I felt a lack of breath and maybe the aftereffects of what I would be feeling having hit my head, my entire body. That static, stingy throw up feeling in my head, the back of my throat. In the back of my throat I felt my eyes increase their weight and rapidly decrease second after second.
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i like the individual better. but i already know that, so that is why my major is going to be psych. but my minor is the tricky thing to think of.
you and your fainting.
degrassi without anyone. i watched it online. :)