Listening to: Eminem - Soldier
Feeling: sorrowful
These shoulders hold up so much, they won't budge, I'll never fall or fold up. I'm a soldier. Even if my collar bones crush or crumble, I will never slip or stumble.
Sorry about that last hate entry, I was just having a slight problem with my life. Anyways, it makes me so sad to hear all of these soldier stories that they could never go home to see their families again. I know that a lot of people think Bush is a douche bag, and I agree, it just really sucks that all of our soldiers are dying. There was that marine, the first one killed in Cache Valley, Michael Allred. Yeah, I knew him. Quite well. I even went camping with him when he was on leave a year ago. Yeah, I cried at his funeral, I cried when I found out he died. I still get tears in my eyes when I think too heavily about it. But I respect every last person that has died for this country, and in a roundabout way I know that they died for me to live. I'd die for my country. In a heartbeat. I would fight until my heart stopped pumping any more life giving force. I would blow up the bastards that threatened my happiness before I ever gave a second thought to it. I have family going to Iraq right now, and I may not be religious, but I pray that they will come back safe. I have no idea where I'm going with all this, I just heard one of those stories on T.V. that make you all choked up, and I wanted to write out some thoughts. So anyways, I may "hate" all of you, but I sure as hell would die to keep you safe. Sorry that I can't seem to write a happy entry, but I'm sure that I'm forgiven. Have a great day.
anyways, we should hang out. Just for old times sake.
kayla is really cute by the way...
And about your comment to me...I was actually thinking close to the same the other day. I thought it was wierd how you said something. I kept thinking about much fun we all used to have and how well you and I got along. And then all the sudden it just kind of stopped.
i accept your apology. I should say that I'm sorry as well. I was a bitch at times. (cont.)
i wish people could all get along.
I can say it to you cos i know it's for true.
go my rhyming skillz.
that comment made me giggle and smile.
and you know how much i love to giggle and smile.
your comment made me smile. :)