So... today is the 2004th birthday of "The savior of our world." Weird to think about that. But it's all good. So, not that any of you were wondering, but I got stuff for christmas. First, I got a CD, and a Nightmare Before Christmas pajama pants and beanie from Kayla. God I love that girl so much. And from my boss I got $15 worth of Taco Time dollars to go to lunch with, as well as a glass of special fruit punch. I got a Coldstone Creamery gift certificate as well as a buy one ice cream cone get one free coupon from my sister. I got a package of sausage from my grandparents (hahahahahahaha). And last but not least, clothes, chapstick, chocolate, a fossil watch, and $250 dollars from my parents/santa. Yeah... I kinda got in an argument (me being a little asshole=argument) with my mommy and i feel so horrible. She is such a wonderful woman but I still hurt her, and she doesnt really believe me when i say im sorry, but i dont know how to show it. But I know she still loves me... mostly. Haha, yeah... well... later all, Merry Christmas!
I miss you my taylor!
I hope you had a nice night.