Do I?

Why do I have the everpresent search for "love" in my life? Why do I waste my time trying to get things to become of something with another person? I start with physical attraction (who doesn't?), move on to getting to know the person, love how they are, and what they're like, and move onto the point where I "love" them? Nothing has ever came of it. I get relationships, meaningful ones. To me at least. And then they fall to waste. It's sort of funny how everyone has this pursuit of a greater feeling for someone, when you never know if it will last. Sometimes it does. A lot of the time it doesn't. Sadly, everything I've ever had has fit in the doesn't category. But it's alright, I get over it, and find someone else to move on to. Now I can't do that. I find myself on the level where I really have no... longing to be with anyone. I don't really want to spend my waking moments with one person. I like myself... I distrust other other people; their motives, their intentions. I know this feeling is normal for the most part... but seriously, I don't want it to be. I love being friends with people... but it's still nice to have someone. One just like them. But it's all worthless... This isn't really a woe is me entry... more of an observational one where I was deep in thought at the moment and didn't have the conviction to quite make this a private entry. Sure would be nice to be a sometimes though.
Read 12 comments
:( I am sorry you feel this way, I am the exact opposite on some of the things u are saying, I have to be with someone not just anyone tho someone that will be their care is nice funny hot too that adds but still i HAVE to have osmeone it's a bad thing sometimes because i can't just be happy with just me just me is boring and sad and depressing and alone, alone is bad my worst nightmare if anyone ever leaves me alone i will die, I am sorry....
i am sorry that you feel this way about all your relationships partly because i love you so mucha nd want a relationship with you more then anybody in the world right now lol i even dram about going to college with u and being with you for a long time, I want to move to logan thats how sad i am :( i just hope that if not now maybe one day you will find someone even if it isn't me and not feel like this any more.....
I love you and i don't know what you want any more, you are the best person i know and your have the best personality and are almost always positive about things, when ever i tlak to you are am around you you make my day 100000000 times better, I know that sounds like just anyone could say that, but i mean it u make me happy you r the only guy that can do that for me right now &i would never want to see u sador depressed because u don'tdeserve it
that happens to me all the time. I go through these phases where I really want to be with someone, then before I know it, i'm really glad i'm single and i'm really glad I'm not dependent on someone. It changes all the time.


we're just kids.

hi taylor.

I don't have any money to buy a car...otherwise i would already have one....i'm poor...
Add me to ur friends!!!! Cuz im AWESOME! Besides we had hot steamy_______ _______! just joking hehehehehehehehe
Were you and "blonde" together and then one of you moved or something? I'm confused. Well, it's not really any of my business. I'm just a sucker for love stories. I hope you feel better about everything. It'll all work out in the end. I promise.
I see what you mean. Long distance relationships are a pain in the ass, trust me. But you probably know that already. I just don't see how one can love another after only dating for a few months. Well, I guess I could see. My boyfriend told me he loved me maybe not even a month into our relationship. But we're still together today. I know you hear this a lot, but, you'll find your 'one'. She's out there somewhere. :)

im new here so im gonna comment on randoms people diary and read there last entry and 2 ask them if they wanna be my friend?

o yeah happy friday the 13th
it's the while-it-lasts thing that matters.

Everyone says it's better to have loved and lost than to never have lved at all.
I agree, right?
I mean. It's so amazing.
It's worth it when it's over. if it's over.
It's worth 8 months or 10 months or a year or 2 years being half a world away from someone you love just because you love them and you know you'll see them again.

i don't know.
i'm naive.
I lve you!
less than 30 days, my man.
You need to be with someone around your age, babe. Or on your same level of thinking, at least.

I'm sorry. I'll shut up now.