Good ol' quiz thingies

These quiz things sure are fun and crazy... so yeah... here's a couple other ones, even if they seem strange. HASH(0x8d6e6d0)
You are Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Loved by few, hated by many, feared by all, you
revolutionized the school shooting by walking
into Columbine High School on that fateful day,
April 20, 1999. You were so consumed by hatred
for the world - jocks, preps, Christians,
minorities - that you had no trouble gunning
down dozens of your peers, killing 13, before
turning the guns on yourselves. All across
America your names are spoken in whispers by
other Columbine wannabes and you were the
influence on countless plots to finish what you
started. America will never be the same again.
Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
Yay! I'm more woman than man! Wait.....?
Read 10 comments
wow, well...i should take that uiz..with my luck i;d end up more man than female,lol.....o well, heheeh, that will work with u being more female..yay!!! i love ya babe!!!

Ur rinnie
HAHAHA Taylor is a girl
hello bebe!
Take a look at my new entry I think you will particularly like this one.
hey tay! thanks bebe ur so sweet! i love u too! muah!
thats freaky man . dude im gonna go take that quiz and see what happens well peace
youre the third random ive come to that had their school shooters dylan kleybold and eric harris..

*random noter*
Lick my pussy and my sack! hehe that applies to the quiz you took your a little bit of chick and a little bit of man hahaha!
yes vagna was really his name, friend laughed at me.hehe..technically...wouldnt vagina be a girl? u babe!!
