
So, I worked from 2 in the afternoon until 12:15 at night. That was pretty fun. I made some money at least. But anyhow, after work Me, Dustin, and Eric decided to go digging in my mom's Geo Tracker that I drive to work now. Going up Prov Canyon wasn't too bad until we got the the quarry road, and then it became pretty crappy cause there is 30-year-old pavement there that is only about half on the road and the other part has about a 8 inch drop and deep runoff ruts. Since this wasn't my car, I didn't wanna push it too hard and hurt it and get my ass kicked, but Dustin said, "I can't believe we drove all this way for nothing." So I hate to be a disappointment like that, so I just gunned it and started climbing up the hill with all the crappy ruts and stuff in it. But after we got to the top of the quarry there were some hills, and since at that point it seemed pretty fun, I decided to just gun it up a hill and see where it took me. We went up this first little hill that was just effing steep and made it, but then a hill right after that one made my car lose momentum and I had to stop. Well after I apply my brakes the car starts sliding, so I put it in reverse and try to back down it and pivot off the the side where a clearing was. Well my car slides even more and it's almost to the extent of tipping! I'm freaking out now and Dustin got out to scope what I can do and he tells me just to straighten out my wheels so i can just right the car. This works and we start going back down the canyon. Now the best part about this story. Going down the canyon on the dirt road there are big manmade piles of dirt on the road to control speed or runoff or something. Dustin has his heart set on getting the suspension to top out going on one of these bumps and so the first few I go over i kinda go slow on and he gives me a lot of crap. I just can't take being made fun of and so the next bump I gun it and right before the bump was a big divot, so that primed my car just enough to launch me off of the top of the speed bump pretty well. We all think that the front wheels are going to leave the ground, but since this thing is so short, the rear wheels follow! Now, this is one in the morning, so we can't see far down the road and my headlights disappear into the night sky, but we're floating there for what seemed like minutes, we landed that motherfucker and started laughing out asses off! That was so freaking awesome!!!!!!! Anyhow..... Nothing else going on... That was my story.
Read 8 comments
Dude you are so Dustin's little bitch. I though you were no ones bitch. Thats ok though. But I'm still disapionted.
You had it right the first time Tori had my balls, in her mouth. But I've asked for them back in order for Kim to have a little go with them. Mabye you should make arrangments with Dustin to get yours back. I love you man. You kick ass.
i miss u sooo much babe....we never get to talk n e more....i went to prom..both of em...they were fun....i wish i could have gone to ur's...miss u lots babe. drop me a line sometime...

Hey gomer bum. I txtd Kim to tell her that I changed my mind again and that we are going to firehouse and I'm waiting for a reply. I luv u!
i must say, that was a very good story.
Daddy says you and aaron cant' pick me up
he says he wouldn't trust me to drive to slc and back and he knows how good a driver i am, and he doesn't know you so why would he let you drive me?
:( so i suppose you and aaron should just camp outside my house around 10 p.m. that saturday. :D

I love you!
I'll see you so soon it's not even funny!
You smell like rotten ass! Sandy is too pretty for you oooooo slam!! Just kiddin man. I haven't talked to her yet but don't worry.
So glad I clicked the random button. Nice story, just make sure you don't end up getting your ass kicked.

Can't wait until my parents let me take the car out...

Happy trails.

- Beth