Why the hell not.. *snickers*

1.What time is it? 1:20 am 2. Name how it is on Birth Certificate? Michele Elizabeth Rotert 3. Nicknames: Chele, Fox, Slinky... 4. Place of birth: Bryan, TX 5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Ocean's 12 6. Eye color: Dark Brown 7. George Bush or John Kerry? Shudders... i refuse to dignify that with an answer. 8. Favorite foods: Red meat, Baked sweet potatoes, ice cream, strawberries... 9. Ever been to Africa: Nope. And I have no desire to go in the near future unless I get to go to egypt. 10. Ever been toilet papering? *whistles innocently* Maybe.... 11. Love someone so much it made you cry: *smiles softly* ...yes... 12. Been in a car :Umm.. yes.. what the hell kind of question is this?? 13. Croutons or bacon bits: Umm... yes? 14. Favorite day of the week: Any day on which I may sleep in. 15. Favorite restaurants: erm... that changes dependent on mood. 16. Favorite flower: Magnolias 17. Favorite sport to watch? Soccer and Hockey. 19. Favorite ice cream: ooo... it rotates between Mint chocolate chip, orange sherbert and strawberry sorbet. 20. Disney or Warner Brothers: I'm gonna have to go with Disney here. But only on their classic movies.. if they make one more crappy sequal I'll kill em 21. Favorite fast food restaurant: That all depends... 22. Color of bedroom carpeting? brown =P Eh well.. I rent *shrugs* 23. How many times did you fail your driver's test: Failed my written once. But I nailed the driving part. Even did the paraelle parking correct and I had never even done it before! 24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Phil 25. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: Oh man.. either Valhalla's Gate.. a book store... or an art supply store.. 26. Bedtime: Whenever I fall asleep. 27. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Umm.. I'm not sending it in e-mail 28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: Aren't you listening? I said I wasn't sending this in e-mail! 29. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire: Dunno whos gonna do it.. 30. Favorite TV shows: Lost.. I'm soooo addicted to Lost 31. The last person you went to dinner with: Does haveing pizza on the couch next to frog count? 32. Ford or Chevy? Chevy.. mom had a ford once.. it was craptastic. 33. What are you listening to right now? Actually? We have Iron Chef going in the back ground/ 34. What is your favorite color(s)? Midnight Blue 35. Lake, Ocean or river: Ocean.. only got to swim in it once.. it was gorgeous.. 36. How many tattoos do you have: None.. yet.. 37. Time you finished this e-mail: 1:37 am 38. Which came first? God or Evolution?*smirks knowingly* You think I'm telling? 39. Piercings: both ears.. left cartiledge.. though I think it closed.. and I used to have a nose pierceing though I want it back.
Read 4 comments
Heh heh... Technically sherbert and sorbet aren't icecream. ;-þ
Close enough you goof
Hah! I have you taking pointless surveys! But they do kill time though. ::Nods::

*big innocent grin*