"oohh soo angery!"

Listening to: NEVER -sworn Enemy-
Feeling: happy
im feeling happy. at school today.. i went to first period and found out there is a huge test friday.. not THAT bad of news... so then i went to 2nd period and found out im loosing more points in photo J.. wich sucks. i hate that class. went to third period and found out i had homework.. made me sick. went to 4th period and took a HUGE hard math test that i FORsure didnt get an A on.. makes me sick went to lunch.. it was fun.. talked to my lunch friend :-D and watched these abnormal kids play some card game called "yu-gi-oh" or something.. aaaaa after lunch i realized i lost my camera AGAIN!! or the school camera rather.. guuuh i hate that.. i finally found it. went to spanish.. found out i had a test friday.. made me sick went to earth space science and had this DUMB worksheet that was just busy work.. REALLLY BUSY work and made me angry. i hate that class.. the teacher is a Dike, not that i have nething against lesbians but she flaunts it. went to computer lab as we called it in elementary school. i was finished with all my typing lessons cuz i rule.. so i listened to music online and played on sit for a bit. ok so my day i had SERIOUS mood swiings deealing with gosh knows what.. but at the end of the day... i was all happy.. and i got a TIE :-D and i got pants :-D and im gunna play donkey kong soon :-D gosh no calls from a certain girl... guuuhh so sad. kami sET it all up.. my mom got my stuff signed and faxed it back and kami is setting things up.. she rocks.. im so happy about going to Hcoming thanx to Kamo.. kami shouts to you this song, a modern age, by the strokes.. im presently listening too.. is pretty good. hard to Explain, this other song is pretty good too. im off to exercise my mind.. ::hearts::scott::hearts::
Read 7 comments
SCOTT, you have to kidnap me. or i will stuff myself in your suitcase.
archos mp3
:D. scott. you rock. :D.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i forgot. on wednesday the day you were going to come with me, its a late start day...do you still want to come? or a different day? do tell?
like the guitar
music is always good
nice diary :)
ooo scott! yay. im so jealous. thats a great story. we'll talk later. but yah..im jealous! -xo kamo