
Feeling: crappy
all my friends had stuff to do after school and i wuznt invited or asked to any of it. i dont just like dropping in on people cuz thats just rude...in most cases. and the stuff after school isnt like making up tests or nething with school work. ah well, its prolly comeuppance from something rong i did in the past. cant wait til highschool- ill have some much crap to do i wont notice i dont have friends. On.the.brightside. dean waved at me again today. or rather he waved his shorts at me...yea i dont get it either. ah- more canadian chocolate. [sulking][in][delightful][canadian][chocolate]...dont ask y i just did that cuz i have no clue what-so-ever. for some reason i have urge to change the layout. i dont want to but i want to...i refuse to, thats more like it. im startin to like this guy hoo i swore i wud never like. we've been hanging out a lot lately- i usually like guys hoo ive known for a while n get n along w/ n shit. damn me n my likeability...towards other ppl. i wuz playing go fish w/ another guy and he wuz helping me win by lying about which cards i had. then i yelled at him to stop cheating and he wuz being all sarcastic n shit about it. not n a mean way though- it wuz funni. ...figured out a way to get a better sound out of my tuba- sit on my foot. my tuba is too big for my so i hafta make the mouth piece come down to me. i end up scrunching up like an accordian so i thought "Why dont i go up to it??." now i just hafta remember to sit on a book during band. creative huh?
Believe not what you see.
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i hear what ur sayin.....and u play the tuba?!?! thats soo cool!
o shit dude. how do u make the the on the top of the screen move... the thing that says: sitdiary //.stars.and.stripes. ? iz so cool