fuck society. computers suck.

i wrote the massivest entry in the history of massive entries. then due to computer error (BKC) i lost it. so it was an incredibly well-worded rant on about how i hate society, shoppers, shopping malls, shop assistants, americans, shop carparks, big shops, capitalism and consumerism. if you know me at all you'll know it was a grand piece of literature that is now (probably) fore'er lost to the world. second. i am cranky. i put my hadn through a window last night, cut it badly and bled a lot. then i dressed it, went to bed. at work i was doing fine, then my super saw me and told me to stop dripping blood everywhere. then he decided i should see the work nurse. i do. she takes my dressing off, replaces it with hers. the congealant in the "non stick" (it stuck, painfully) worked remarkably well, and a lot less painful than iodine. anyway, she sent me on my merry way to the land of paperwork. it is vast and mind numbingly boring. right. at the train station i decided, well, admitted to myself, that i am fucked thusly: samantha was a figment of my imagination, ergo i cannot have her ever again, because she doesn't exist anymore. if it isn't samantha, i dont much care for it. and therein lies the problem. i'll spell it out: i want something that doesn't exist, only that will make me some kind of satisfied. yuh. fucked ehh. i put my hand through a window last night. it hurt a bit. i realise i've become careless. my immediate concern was to provide medical attention to my hand, which i did. tsktsk. and i went into mild shock, the initial hit lasted possibly 2 minutes, it trailed until i fell asleep. again. tsktsk. meh. i shall further contemplate the troubles of my life/this world. *sigh* i've become introverted, egotistical, careless, uncaring, bitter, sardonic.. generally an arsehole. it is weird, life is my own, it is what i make of it, and i choose this. i dont want it, i want to be happy ahh, nother point, i want everything, that can be a nother entry. remind me. anyway, i want to be happy, and this doesn't achieve that as often as it should. hmmm. R0bness-2133|100505
Read 6 comments
Ahh.. I wrote a very similar sounding piece for my final english exams.. of course I'll never get that back either, but I'd be interested to hear what the markers thought of it.

I sympathise with your misfortune.
You are a stupid boy..Lol..You should have got um REAL medical attention to your hand but nooo. You are unable to feel pain..From now on i will call you Superman for that is what i think you believe you are..:P

xxx Lily ooo
Kia Ora.

Last entry, Cuteness.

Love, Lili (hoever i do those hugs n kisses thingy).

HEH *sneaky eyes*
LiLy LoVeZ yOu MiStEr.

i HoPe YoUr DaY iS gOiNg GrEaT!.!.!

YoU sHoUlD sMiLe MoRe!
Be HaPpIeR.
Do WhAt YoU lIkE tO Do BeSt.

DoNt Ya ThInK vIeNnA iS sOoOoO dAmN bEaUtIfUl??!?!!!

hey but.jk whats up u been up to?
Okay, im gonna bitch to ya just because you wont reply to my txt.
nasteygirl is a fucking bitch. Stupid cow. Haha..

i wanna smahs her =(

You make me sad. i dunno why exactly..

Hmm..im sure we'll get to the bottom of this one day.

Keep smiling, aiight. Do it for yaself. Do it for me

Damsel. Napple. Child