i wrote the massivest entry in the history of massive entries. then due to computer error (BKC) i lost it. so
it was an incredibly well-worded rant on about how i hate society, shoppers, shopping malls, shop assistants, americans, shop carparks, big shops, capitalism and consumerism.
if you know me at all you'll know it was a grand piece of literature that is now (probably) fore'er lost to the world.
second. i am cranky.
i put my hadn through a window last night, cut it badly and bled a lot.
then i dressed it, went to bed.
at work i was doing fine, then my super saw me and told me to stop dripping blood everywhere. then he decided i should see the work nurse.
i do.
she takes my dressing off, replaces it with hers.
the congealant in the "non stick" (it stuck, painfully) worked remarkably well, and a lot less painful than iodine.
anyway, she sent me on my merry way to the land of paperwork. it is vast and mind numbingly boring.
at the train station i decided, well, admitted to myself, that i am fucked thusly:
samantha was a figment of my imagination, ergo i cannot have her ever again, because she doesn't exist anymore.
if it isn't samantha, i dont much care for it.
and therein lies the problem.
i'll spell it out: i want something that doesn't exist, only that will make me some kind of satisfied.
fucked ehh.
i put my hand through a window last night.
it hurt a bit.
i realise i've become careless.
my immediate concern was to provide medical attention to my hand, which i did.
and i went into mild shock, the initial hit lasted possibly 2 minutes, it trailed until i fell asleep.
again. tsktsk.
meh. i shall further contemplate the troubles of my life/this world. *sigh*
i've become introverted, egotistical, careless, uncaring, bitter, sardonic..
generally an arsehole.
it is weird, life is my own, it is what i make of it, and i choose this.
i dont want it, i want to be happy
ahh, nother point, i want everything, that can be a nother entry. remind me.
anyway, i want to be happy, and this doesn't achieve that as often as it should.
I sympathise with your misfortune.
xxx Lily ooo
Last entry, Cuteness.
Love, Lili (hoever i do those hugs n kisses thingy).
HEH *sneaky eyes*
i HoPe YoUr DaY iS gOiNg GrEaT!.!.!
YoU sHoUlD sMiLe MoRe!
Be HaPpIeR.
Do WhAt YoU lIkE tO Do BeSt.
DoNt Ya ThInK vIeNnA iS sOoOoO dAmN bEaUtIfUl??!?!!!
nasteygirl is a fucking bitch. Stupid cow. Haha..
i wanna smahs her =(
You make me sad. i dunno why exactly..
Hmm..im sure we'll get to the bottom of this one day.
Keep smiling, aiight. Do it for yaself. Do it for me
Damsel. Napple. Child