merry christmas, dear love

Listening to: cocteau twins
its not true. i'm glad i wasted my time with you. and i wish i could waste more of it with you. and you and only you and you and me. but i told myself i wouldn't admit it not to you not to myself or to anyone and here i am but to hold it in is killing me and i'm sorry but its even worse when you have no close friends. no best friends. no friends. thats why i rely on you, journal. how lame, but how reliable. im sure partly its my fault and i'm sure it'll be a little better when i'm not grounded but how much? not much. based on the fact that it was like this before i was grounded. i want to meet new people or maybe i've met them but i don't know them and i want to fall in love it'll happen in its own amazing, beautiful time but i have no patience for time it would be the best christmas present i could ever receive and i'm jealous just tell me its ok tell me i'm normal to feel this way tell me not enough time has passed tell me just tell me you feel the same way say it
Read 4 comments
where do you get those pictures in the background? i'll add you to my friends if you would please comment back.
thank you .. i was able to get some of the pictures. I really like them alot.
you're on xinil.
oh. but sharla. i am ridiculous. espically when it comes to this one. but i cant help it. and its okay.

and dont be jealous.
it will all happen in good time
and if hes meant to be in your life right now, he'll be there. if hes not then dont fret.
and the friends list IS beign weird. its saying entries and what not. im not sure i like it.
but i do think your awesome.