sAyiNg StUff

Listening to: the radio
Feeling: worthless
i hate this shit. i get pissed off at one little thing and then i go and get pissed off at everyone else for doing nothing. it sucks ass. i have been doing it all my life, but i have just started to control it now days. i slipped up yesterday. i was pissed off at lezbo molly for doing dumb shit. i got home and went on msn. one of my mates from TAS was on and i was talking to her. i ended up pissing her off just because i was pissed myself. it sucks! on the up side my bro got engaged yesterday!! it is cool as! he is engaged to this nice gurl from the U.S.A! she rulz the house and she is very good for him...good for them
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AHHHHHH! FROM AUSTRALIA?! THATS SOOOO AWESOME!!! that means you have an accent..omg! TOO AWESOME! haha..yeah i LOVE surfing..i've been surfing since 2nd grade and ijust absolutely love it.i feel so relaxed and whenever im sad,pissed..whatever the mood is..i go surfing and i can feel so relaxed and calm.I LVOE IT!! ahhh i loove australia..even tho ive never been.when im older im deff moving there! =) comment me baccckk xoxo
haha thanks for the coment!
congrats to your bro.

being pissed suckles. but everyone goes through it so..fuck it. i dont know what im saying but yeah.

ciao, ska
sorry about being pissed, hope you feel better
dude! im SO jealous that you live in have an accent!! THATS SO FREAKIN AWESOME! haha..buuut i live in CALIFORNIA where the sun always shines =) haha.i love it here.thats soo cool that you will be in the USA pretty soon.i've never been to ohio before..i've only been to mexico,and anyways have fun! =) I LOVE SURFING..i live for it.i take it soo serisouly too its not like some sport i do because its popular
i do it because i feel good when im out there and my stress is relieved and its soooo relaxing..most people i know these days are like doing it because 'you will be popular if you do it' but i do it bcause i LIVE for it..thats so awesome that your soo into it too!! =) byyyee xoxo