
for a while now i have been paying close attention to what me and my mates say. like the slang that we use. i think it is funny because if u weren't from the country or from australia u wouldn't have a clue at what we were saying. i got a little kick out of writing down all the crap i heard in a short week. here it is.... She’ll be apples- (my understanding) everything will be fine… “Don’t worry, mate, she’ll be apples!” Balls up- (my understanding) I very bad mistake made… “No one knew what the go was a huge balls up” Bastard- (my understanding) mainly used with mates, meaning good things... “Good on ya, you bastard!” Cobber- (my understanding) a mate… “ G’day cobber” Bloody Oath- (my understanding) swearing that something is true… “Bloody oath it happened!” Bludger- (my understanding) a very slack and lazy person… “He is a useless Bludger” Burl- (my understanding) giving something a go… “Come on mate, give it a Burl!” Cark it- (my understanding) to die… “Jimmy carked it.” Chockers- (my understanding) very full… “The bag of chips is chockers” Cactus- (my understanding) something that doesn’t work any more… “The T.V is cactus!” Elbow Grease- (my understanding) very hard work… “Worken up some elbow grease, are ya?” Fart ass around- (my understanding) wasting time… “Stop fart assen round” Franger- (my understanding) a condom… “Whack on a Franger before you nail her” Get nicked- (my understanding) telling someone to go away… “Get nicked fuck head!” Hooley Dooley- (my understanding) very shocked or surprised about something… “Hooley Dooley..they didn’t!?” Hooroo- (my understanding) a way to say god bye… “Hooroo mate!” Knackered- (my understanding) very tired… “After soccer I was knackered!” Keen as mustard- (my understanding) very enthusiastic… “I’m as keen as mustard to give it a try” Kick the Bucket- (my understanding) to die… “Jimmy Kicked the bucket” Make Tracks- (my understanding) depart from somewhere… “Time to make some tracks” On for young and old- (my understanding) a fight of argument that is out of control… “it was on for young and old at the party” Scarce as hen’s teeth- (my understanding) very very rare… “I found a opal, looked like it was scarce as hen’s teeth!” Piece of piss- (my understanding) very easy… “I’ll be able to do that, piece of piss!” Shit creek- (my understanding) in a lot of trouble… “Mate, we are up shit creek, without a paddle!” Yakka- (my understanding) work… “That was some hard Yakka!” Thunder Box- (my understanding) a toilet… “I’m going to the thunder box” Rough as guts- (my understanding) very bumpy or uneven… “The road was rough as guts!” Safe as houses- (my understanding) extremely secure… “Not far to base camp, then we will be safe as houses.” Paying through your teeth- (my understanding) paying large amounts of money… “They charged me so much I was paying through my teeth” What is this…bush week? - (my understanding) it’s not slack off week… *some one asks for something* “What is this…bush week or something?”
Read 3 comments
Hehe, I think you need to just give me a good swift kick every once in awhile to make me write. =)

Did you get my email with the pic, m'dear?

I shall hurry along and email you.

Hehehe, I really can't stop smiling.
I'm not one for birds usually, but damn, sheep is gorgeous.
I feel rather special to have a bird named after me. xD

I'll email you back as soon as I can, 'kay.

Take care.
cool, i think if i remember i'm going to use those in everyday conversations. especially the tv is cactus! and franger meaning a condom. haha i live in canada so i doubt anyone will know what i'm saying.