just looking back

Listening to: water running
Feeling: glad
just having a look over all my old enries...god damn i used to over react about some stuff...i was young! lol...i used the word "love alot in those entries. i don't think i even knew what love was back then, and i am not sure if i know what it is now! and reading over what i used to say- alot of things happened alot different to what i wrote down..lol! kids.. well i got the swimming sports on monday. i don't know how i will go, but all i know is that WEST will kick the ass off all those merrit fuck wits...no life...they are in for a ass kicking!! peace
Read 17 comments
btw, you better leave me a comment or two, or email me or something. i havent talked to you in forever!
happy valentines day sweety!!! Mwahz
butterfly's prob my worst stroke.. but that's awesome to skip school for a swim meet! our all day swim meet was saturday
yeah, ive been there twice..its alright - the people arent that great..why are you so in love with russia?
ah there we go..c darlin...*points* speshulful background*
you have a swim meet monday? good luck
go to http://www.funkychickens.com/html.html and go to the javascript thingo at the side n go to the first one...copy the html stuff into the header info under preferences and where it says text type wot u want it to say
lol sweety u had it, but its disappeared agen...just do woteva u did before and it will come back
oo speshul blueness..niceness
P-units short for Parental Units, Or your parents. Um..I'm just lazy. So don't mind the abbreviations.
hey! good to hear from you again!

hey...its funny you say that..im actually from russia but 'niklof' isnt russian, its just a combo of my 1st middle and last name. i think you might have told me that before...WAYYY back in the day
(cont) algebra C, and OH MAN. we are always flirting and stufffff. its funn, but i barley know him so i dont really want to say that i like him yet because i also just met him a few weeks ago? oh well. haha i loooove yaaaax33333

hahah you are SOOOO CUTE I LOVE IT! i really really hope caitlin and you end up going out, or something cute like that =) AW I LOVE IT! hehe x333 and thanks for the whole advice thing. but im really glad your not over leaving me comments :) i looove your comments, i wouldnt ever want you to stop leaving me comments. hmm, and about this whole guy thing..i think im starting t lke this guy named ryan who sits right behind me in
Ah hope you can work from there =)

Hehe thanks for the comment.
Thats not even my best artwork, i'll see if I can put some on.
Well what you do for photos is upload them into your image manager and for the background you label it 'my_background.gif/jpg. For random pics use the html code - (take out spaces).
Ah I don't know if you know how to make words bold and italic...bold- word here and italic- word here
i will tell u wat love is...Wat u feel for me coz u luv me so very much uhuh yes u do ok im ova um u want a prettyful diary...upload them in ur image manger thingo...wen u dun that tell me and we'll go from there n if u got a background u want save it in there as "my_background.gif" n wella. Mwahz