my life at the moment

Feeling: explosive
""found myself just the other day, in a backyard of a friends place...thinking about you. thinkning of the crowd you are in...what your up to and where you've been."" that is the first part of "so beautiful" by pete murray. how sad is it that it is like my life. i think about her all the time! i don't think she even knows that i like her. i like her so much. one of my closest mates once told me that with gurls if u really like them then u will take the good with the bad. yeah..she gets cut sometimes coz dick heads make fun of her about how she "has spikey legs" WTF???? fuck them for saying shit like that, she is beautiful. BIG PISS! i see now that i have taken her for who she is. i have never really done that before. i always looked at the chick that i was with and thought how i could improve her....well not with her...i don't know what to do!! i don't know how she feels...she never lets on about anything like that..... xoxoxox ps- HELP ME
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Hey matey, u have 2 tell her how u feel bcos sum girls rn't mind readers. Just tell her the truth and it will melt her heart. U have 2 b thankful 4 her the way she is and u can't change her bcos that's WHO she is. U can't just go and change sum1 cos if u really like her u'll like her 4 HER, not sum1 else. Stay cool bro.
Hey sexc
ok, whos this shick. I can hardly keep up wit u lol. You got fill me in. When you leaving for the US i goota call ya before you leave. I'm hear if you need to talk, and don't u forget it. Luv u more then u'll ever know. Luv Leah xXx
i come from florida! woop! and aww dus she like u?