
Listening to: dirty ryders
Feeling: awkward
yeah well i am back from my holiday from the beach. i had a alright time. the waves were crap most days and the tides were stuffing up. i don't know what was wrong, but when the tide was meant to be in it was out and when it was meant to be out...there was no beach left and the water was getting really high. it was wacked! me and mum were down at the beach for about 2 weeks. we stayed at my nan and oa's joint..(like every other christmas). this time it was fucked tho. i was having a great time down there and then one day i hear my nan talking to one of my uncles. she was blaming all this shit on me and all this other crap that i didn't know about. well that made me feel real good, but then a few days later my pa gives me a talking to about being selfish. it was fucking uncalled for! mum was like why was he saying all that crap to you, what have u down wrong? i had no fucking answer. in all truth i always respected my pa and thought he was a very cool person, but after all the things he said to me, i really don't give a fuck any more. god only knows what he thinks i did for him to talk to me like that, but i know i didn't deserve any of it. i don't know what to really think any more. i always had a strong repect for my nan and pa, but after hearing my nan saying untrue shit about me and my pa telling me that i am a selfish person. i am getting tired, so i might be going now... peace
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well sry they were treatin u like crap but n e who.OMG,i'm glad ur back!hehe,i've missed reading ur comments buddy.yes but n e who.i'm not too boy broke up with me over the holidays and is now getting with another chick..grr..but..i'm actully getting over it,,i'm ready for a new boy, i just have to find one.well i'll get back to ya lata,hehe.byes.
I'm so glad ur back, me if ya can!!!!
haha i was wearing a towel but yeah i guess you could say i was naked
Hey simo, sorry bout the shit time u had in grove, give us a call sometime so as we can catch up, doesn't matter what anyone says your not a selfish person and u didn't deserve the words that were thrown at you.
Leah xo