
Feeling: active
right now i should be doing some well over due home work, but stuff it! i need to write a new entry anyways.... i got back from the US. i stayed home for a few days...just to get some sleep and unpace some of my crap. well i was planing to stay home the whole week so i didn't have to go to school, but i got bored so i went on the friday. it was an unreal day at school! it was real easy and everyone was real happy to see me! all the classes went real fast and all that. i had a maths test that i had to do...it was multiple choice, so i just circled a few that i thought looked good and i ened up getting a C+! i think that is a good effort for just guessing!! that was my first C+...but i am happy. if i didn't try that hard and i got a pass...anyways in science we built rockets and stuff and i built mine in like 5 mins...i called it "the firs bird" and it was sponsored by "twister combo meals"....yeah so my kick ass rocket went about 50 meters higher than any one else! the best part of the day was went i got to see caitlin again! she is just as i left her..lol! nah she is still beautiful and i still feel really lucky every time i touch her. i sound like a poof now, but when i touch her i never care if i touch another gurl again...i wouldn't care if i died, becasue i am happy for the time being. on friday night i played Jr. cricket! me and ben batted together..lol! i took my tennis ball bat over there..hahahaha...it snapped in half with like the first shot! hahaha...nah i bowled unreal good and got one wicket and a catch! yeah i;m bad...!! i have had fun the last few days...i better go now and get some work done... peace out guys!
Read 5 comments
awesome wave picture
Hey, I'm so glad ur back! I hope ur trip was good. And i still think u should tell caitlen how u feel.hehe.gtg.
Have you told caitlin yet about how u feel. obviously your feelings are really strong so if she hasn't caught on yet you should just tell her straight up!
wow i havent been online in the longest time, nor on sitD.i miss you my king.x3 tell me how being in the USA was! xoxox
hahaha my dad used to say stuff it. but i think it was for a different reason than why you do... so any way. okay well neat diary i like your ying yang thing.

later on,