
Feeling: baffled
i have always been an open man. i don't mind others have beliefs, in fact i have never thought different of someone because of what they believe in. but the other day something wacked happened.... i don't know if any of you remember my mate neat that used to drop a few comments here and there? she hasn't been on for AGES, but we are still close. anyways i was asking her about her eater weekend and stuff...we were just talking about random stuff. she told me she had been on a "youth" camp aka- "church camp" for 3 days. she has always gone to them and i have never thought anything of it. she is a paster's daughter (like a priest or a father, i am not really sure if it is different or what eva) but yeah her father stands up in front of the chruch every sunday and teaches ppl about god. neat always was unsure where her "faith" was or if she had any. i always respected that, she was standing up against her father and everything. not that she eva told him, but she stayed true to her own beliefs. talking to her the other day she was telling me about these camps and how they help her to see her misson from god and how to stay true and that to keep the faith will take you to heaven. i was shocked! if any of you don't know, i don't believe in god...or any gods for that reason and the word religion means little to me. i couldn't believe that neat...the strong little soldier had "turned " ( if u want to call it that ) she had never spoken that way before and it scared me alot. i don't knoe if it is a good thing that she has "found god" or something that is bad for her. i know that i will get comments from "believers" saying that i am crazy and i should talk about the all mighty lord like that. i will leave you all with this- you say that god is real. i will ask for proof and you will give me reasons. but how do you know that i don't have reasons for why he is not real? (i hope no one is offended)
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6 frickin A.M ! yessssssss, i'm realllyyyy stoked. i love surfing, can't get enough of it. just like i can't get enough of you =) so surfing with you would be like, the best thing that ever happened to me. just BEING with you =) were going to get married one day. juuuuuuuust you wait and see♥ andd that promise? they still mean a lot to me..i'm just scared to believe them =( yah, we could pretty much say i fell hard for you...
yay, i'm excited to hear what you have to say. kinda scared at the same time though. =( nervousness, butterflies? UM YAH, MAJORLY. but everytime i'm on MSN, your not on! what gives?

xoxoxoxoxoxo aloha my love♥
dude i am obsessed with Kangaroos they are my favortie animal EVER! ahh that would have been so cool to see that...i am so jelous! now i really want to come to auss
i think id kick ass to come down there
could've cared less about my feelings..i dont know, i could be wrong. but anyways, my email for this msn thing is..
yay, that made me really happy when you said you wanted to talk to me 'SOOOOOOO bad' yay, there you go making my day again♥

that was a really amazing quote. that was actually somethign to think about, and i liked it =) so babe..guess what i went off and did because i'm such an amazing queen? YES, I GOT MSN =) just for you..feel special. and..well, i WANT to trust you again really badly..what you did just stunned me because you always talked about caitlin doing fucked up things to you..and then you go and pull something like this. it's as if you
do you surf?? i did a couple times.. not very good but i love it.
yeah, my hairs really fried though. a prep? yeah i guess i am. i wear dressy clothes and stuff.. lol
nope i havent been down there...i want to tho.....i guess american way of lifes pretty good
haha oh. whatever. unitedstates.
u know

why lie and say u hate it
thats weird

God tells me the answers im looking for

i know it doesnt add up
why is it suppose to?

i wish i had a gun
guns are fun
u can shot things
and kill
i dont know about shit though

can u own a gun in ur country

yea something like that

God sorts of help me make decisions and helps me realize things

by giving me sighs and overwhelming emotional experiences

its hard to explain but i know

i know

u dont

but mabe u have felt something like this
something beyond u and u were not sure what the hell it was

its weird man
the us is home no matter what

it has its fucks and shits but its home

its a hate love thing between me and my home

what about u
do u love my home?
do u like your country?
is that 5hours in any direction
there are alot of bogans in this diary thing

oh yea
fuck people offend them all i say
i know there is a God cause i speak he listens and replies
really we got some specail stuff between us im chosen to do something big
church is there to brainwash people really thats why they have campouts
and everything like going in on sundays and others and doing this and that
its just there to brainwash people
im not saying that God isnt there watching overcause he is
i justsaying i dontlikechurch
guess u didnt read my entry
ok i didnt read urs

damn stright its good
if u know movies like how and why they are put together like that u will know too taht this movies is the shit

im from bakersfield cali

where u at
the beach?

is that bird over ur cult surfer and agesex stuff the one that burns itself when its old only to be reborn young again?

what the hell is cult surfer suppose to mean?
u surf cults?


ever seen Raging Bull?
i belive in god but i don't belive that he is real. i mean they say that he created the heavens and the earth but who created him it is unnatural. what i say is fuck the world
hahahah you are the most awesome guy ever, have i ever told you that? whats your email address?..well, i think i have it but im not sure if it's right or not..but, maybe that surfboard necklace means that were SUPPOSE to be together♥ yay. but um, no i'm more like a 0 out of 3 to correct you..but you can think whaaaaaaaaaatever you want =) i cannot believe i'm up this late, because i'm going surfing tomorrow morning at
virginia...very boring
your beleifs are for you too choose
but if you don't beleive in god you might want to look into it sometime

god is nothing

ps. the last one was from me
don't take this the wrong way but if you are lookin for something to beleive in you could do research about "daoism" the premise of daoism is that....
we will be surfing until SUNSET =) oh heck yes we will be! and then we will be together forevvvvvver. we will have the time of our lives! yay, i'm stoked. and you better be too =) and you shouldn't feel bad for what you did..i was just being emotional because your suppose to be all mine..but i GUESS i could share you.. =( the thing i dont get though is..if you knew it was wrong..why would you do it? = my hopes are too high..
helloooooo cutiieee! =)
me? perfection surf? hahah you are too too sweet and too nice♥ and i'm sure your a lot better than have to surf with me, it's all about king and queen surfing together..FOREVER♥ so don't you dare say that you are going to watch 'perfection surf' because you are definitly coming out there with me sweetie, because you..are an amazing surfer. =) and the best part? your going to LOVE it because
yeah thats me...i thought richter was like australian or something...and no im not a yank...DIRRRRTYY SOUTH
i love your diary
do you surf?


i agree with you..i dont believe in anything either....i think that people just believe in god and jesus so they wont feel bad when they do stuff that they shouldn't b/c they "pray" and are forgiven for their "sins"....
haha dope means cool....really cool hahaha
well i will not judge you for what you beleive in it is your choice and i often wonder myself if god really does exsist it is ok to beleive in god and it is ok not to beleive in god its all up for grabs about how we feel about od and there is always that 1 question does god exsist
well maybe iam too young and completly missed your point in your entry but i hope what i said does you some good

haha yeah...thats awesome you live in AUSTRALIA!! thats richter...
can i add you to my friends list?