the note

Listening to: suga
Feeling: alright
yeah well last night i spent a shitload of time writing caitlin a "note". it was more like a shot story, but i got it done after about an hour and a half!! the note to start off woth was just like all our other notes that we pass to each other between class, but after i went through the normal bull crap...i got real (for once)...our notes are alwasy just mucking around and everything, but this one i was serious. i told her about how i felt about going to the USA and how i had things that i wanted to tell ppl before i left, but i just didn't get the time. i told her that i knew that she liked a guy some place..(she told me once) and i said that she should tell him how she feels before he don't like her no more. i don't know if she will get the hint, but i know that i am dumb and i would have picked up all the hints that i dropped. i don't know what else to say! i love her so much, but i never want to talk to her becasue i am scared! i have never been scared of a chick before, but as i look at her...i just look in to the unknown. it scares me that i knoe nothing about her and i have fallen so hard....fucking hell!! damn...i don't want to talk to her because she is the only gulr that i know that makes my heart stop and start at the same time. if i tell her how i feel and she heart will just stop. and if i tell her that i like her and she runs off to jenna and anita and tell them what i said and then come back and tell me what she heart will stop. when/if i tell her i want her to look at me and tell me the real truth, not run off and tell all her mate and have a laugh.... i don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am scared (first time for everything) xoxoxox
Read 23 comments
hi simon i;m friends with one of the girls you like and i dont think she deserves this for standing up for what she wants
awww thats sweet though that you spent all that time writing her a note :) ~mel
hey its me trina sorri i got a new sn ttyl
sikboy__please go to this link.
please read these three short entries written by my friend, a cancer patient. pray to your god if you pray.
please leave a note with something nice to say. he needs to know people care. he needs inspiration. don.t say sorry. i can.t make him feel this by myself.
i need your help. please.
sorry if already left this here, please help spread this.
KOOL! how are you doin??
ur blog rox.
juz checkin it out
its shocking...
Hey matey, just hang in there and don't give up! That's what I did on my camp this year, the whole 5days, I just kept pushing myself and it felt unreal! Hold ya head up and SMILE!!!
Hey! Uh ... good luck with that chick! Don't be afraid to talk to her girls like the attention. It's a scary thing to fall in love and it also isn't so easy, I know because I've been dating the same guy the past 10 and a half months and well... things haven't been going so smooth! So the best advice I can give you is let it slide let her know how you feel and don't be afraid of talking to her about it! Good Luck bullboy!
OMG simon ur plane better not crash, never say that, good way to freak a gurl out lol Luv ALWAYS ME
yeah, i so got made fun of.. and it sucked. AND IT CONTINUES TODAY! --sorry one of my friends makes fun of me now-- ha! i was reading your other comments and some people are dumb! Why don't they put their names? hmm?! Cowards. ha.
I'd love to be there to help ya out with this,rilly i would but u cant run from it.U have to be the one to tell her,it means more coming from u.yes,we girls do have strange ways but guys do too.if i were her i'd want u to tell me straight up to my face.tell her everything.yeah it's scary. but u'll feel better after u do it.i'd say do it right b4 you leave for the US, then she'll have time to think it over,and so will you.Well i hope i helped.BYE!
yea wer getting hit by a hurricane this weekend i think, ivan, im not sure, anyway if you like this girl this much dont be a pussy and not tell her, its better 2 risk it than never try at all u kno? just tell her how u feel even the parts where you dont want her 2 tell her friends or something like that, u kno if u just give her your diary link she can read it herself and im sure that will work much better. idk tho its up 2 u :)

Good luck with caitlin. And I hope you find some good surf in the States.

sime who cares apples fix bad breath ask honnie
simon, who cares if people have hairy legs?
hi sime yuo confuse me what do you think you're doing with all these girls why do you think they'd want to go out with someone who likes 4 other pplz
lets hope that all goes well with caitlin and the note. *crosses fingers for good luck*

if i dont get to talk to u...have fun in the plane to america. and dont get shot.

[heart] ska
yeah, that's awesome.. i used to HATE that book because people would say ," hey, sam, do you like green eggs and ham?" And they would taunt me..
yeah , i've seen that movie.. but it's not where i got this name from.. it's the Dr. Suess ( spelling) book Green Eggs and Ham... yeah.. that's a good book...
By the way..the giggleing thing..I'm not sure if it's only kyle i giggle for but it seems i just cant stop when he kisses me...ah, pure heaven,hehehee. i've never giggled for n e one else so i think it's a good sign, hehehehe. yeah so.....n e who, email me some time,when ya wanna talk, k! cya
Hey,i understand that ur scared of the answer she'll have if you tell her how u feel.Who wouldnt be.Just remember dont let your feelings scare you or u'll never live ur life.I hope she got ur hint about telling ur feelings. If not then u know u gotta tell her urself.if she runs off and comes back witha stupid answer her friends helped her come up with u'll know that it cant be right.I hope it all goes well for you.Drop me a line about it k?Peace!
It'll work, i know you and i know it'll work. You deserve it, but don't let her treat u like i did, make me sorry i was to late saying that. I'll try call ya tomoz luv ya ALWAYS
Leah xXx