thing i stole from "kathy"

Feeling: busy
thanx for letting me steal this kathy...should be fun to do it? 1. Your major accomplishments: would have to be when i got in to alpine, first game of under 16 crciket, first unreal game of Sr. badminton...thats about it 2. Your talents and abilities: people keep telling me that i am a good listener and that i am easy to talk to. and a talent i have would be being laid back 3. The three things you do best: dream, love and talk 4. Your challenges: life...but hey...i think i am life's challenge! 5. Obstacles you have to overcome: i don't know...i guess there are a little too many to list, but i have ova cum a few in my time 6. The three things you do least well: stay out of trouble, understand girls and smoke...? 7. Three things for which you want to be remembered: being there for people, being funny and the good things i have done 8. People who’ve greatly influenced you: i don't really know...i guess my big brother..a few other random smale for one, i know i would be different if not for his teachings 9. How you would like others to describe you: i don't's how they see me 10. If you only had three years to live, what would you concentrate on: i would fucking go nuts. like not bad. i would try and do everything that i had wanted to do in my life... 11. If you only had one year to live, what would you concentrate on: same as the last question... 12. Are you doing those things now? If not, why?: well i am...but in the long run 13. Three things you want to accomplish before the end of your life: have a fmaily, get a good job and provide for that family and sky dive. thanx for that thing kathy. it was alright, but i have done better. anyways...badminton is 2morrow night and i can't wait. i am sooo pumped up. damn! i have to work 2morrow and then straight after i am going to play my ass off. i better go and get some homework done. i will talk to you in 2 nights elisha. on ur wednesday night ok?? 11pm be there...or don' peace to you all
Read 8 comments
i have no idea what kind it was! the last time i went fishing was probly like 3 years ago! haha! ♥ rachael
yeah i've been there twice... good for shopping. no offence but it isnt the greatest in aust but thats just an opinion based thing. where else have u been?
yo! argh:parents suck.still. anyways :yeah someone once told me that there is more to saying no than yes and that the person with true character can say no or summat. i dunno how true that is.i think it should be equals.i'm starving:gotta go get food.keep smiling and comment :D
I know i haven't talk to you forever
so how is it goin with you???
Nice answers to those questions lol!!
i just got back from the dentist and i have perfect teeth well that's what they said anyways you don't really care so later
I'll have to visit sometime.. i want to travel the world one day.. aus being at the very top of my list.. surf's suposidly really good. What else do yall do down there
Hey, nice diary.
Im from new zealand.. You ?
i been ova there once. Like when i was 8 or sumthing.It was for my borhters rugby.. i wanan come back ova. I like it there :P I love one of the beaches i went to.. I duno but it was so nice. Nd we stayed at a hotmel near it which was real flash in shit. I met a gurl on the trip whos bro was also playing. We had so much fun :Plol. Have you eva been to New Zealand?