Brand Spanking New.

Hahaha I'm lovin' the Moosey text. I think I'll change the parrot idea though, 'cause Juliette's scared of them. Do you know who I am yet? Right, so, yes, new diary, I should probably clear my throat. Ahem. Welcome to the new me. The new start. The new writing, the new colours but old style. the new name with an old meaning, the new 101 ways to walk, talk, look, think and act like an idiot, the new friend but same old familiar face. Yes, she's back because she missed you, how sad is that?
Read 4 comments

Not sad at all.

I pwn your diary 'cause I get first comment EVAR. Hahahah.
Aaaaah its not sad!!
Its lovely - Welcome back!
I feel like I should have a big banner splattered with paint or something..
Yaaaay shes back!!
sitDiary is going to be a lot friendlier with you about again!
love Amy xxxx
oh, its just you...good god girl, give me a stroke why dont you! sneaking up on me like that...
i like it here, buttertongue is gonna be so you, i can just feel it.
im glad youre back and if youre sad so am i, since i missed you too...
[thanks for the no bird thing...:-/]

okay, you can erase the other one...
sorry, i hate that...
i took it upon myself to re-do your comment too...
OHMYGOD! The old Moosey dragon! You have no idea how great it is to see that lovely, wingy thing again. =) Put me on your friends list before I cry!