Le Title.

What was with SitD being homosexual yesterday? Not impressed. I needed to write el interesting entry-O on how I went for a meal for my brothers birthday. But I couldn't. Bah. So I'll say it now. I went for a meal on Saturday night for my brother's birthday, and it was propa reet gud un that. Ahem. Uhhhh, yesterday was cool. We went to church and stuff and I distracted everyone in the service with my magical flashy pen. Then we went to the pub afterwards, and it was O' Donoghues's last night before they got taken over by new management so there were some nifty blues bands on. So that was schmexy. Today, hmmmmm first thing was composing and arranging and to mine and Laura's dismay John had marked the blues assignments so we got bollocked accordingly. Even though Becky, who even came into the lesson later than us, when asked where her's was and she replied, "I didn't hand it in", he said "Oh right.". I fucking hate John Joyce. The I had frees, and I sat in the bar with Hannah, Laurah and Alex for a bit, untill me and Alex went to a practice room. And he ended up picking me up and carrying me out of the room because I was sitting on him to try and stop him playing Van Halen on the piano. Hehe. That was fun. :oD. We had an arm wrestle too, but I got away with giving up just before he won by saying his hands were minging and sweaty. Mwahaha. The was choir. Gay. And theatre. Also gay. I nearly cried but didn't because John was picking on me and I wasn't in the mood. I wanted to punch him. I really really fucking hate John Joyce. But then he complimmented me on my Oh Happy Day solo. Should think so too dickhead. Performance studies was allright. Chamber orcherstra was funny. Gospel choir was cool. Can't be bothered writing owt else. Byeeeeeeeee. :oD
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Bible shopping for me tends to end up with me picking a Bible which I didn't want at all.

"You read the Bible?" I hear you scream.

*hangs head in shame*