Oh Happy Daayyyy-eeeeeeeee.

I did my sexy theatre performance today. It was sexy because I am in it and I am sexy. Therefore it was sexy. End. No don't argue. It was fucking hot. Hahah I ended up getting two solo's because Ian's solo was 'Oh Happy Day' and then he left, and then everyone cried, and then made me do it 'cause I'm in a gospel choir and therefore must know how to sing 'Oh Happy Day' perfectly like I'd practiced it. I hadn't, but it went well. And mine and Clara's Little Brittain impressions had my friends in tears. Whether it was because they were laughing at our funnyness or crying at our shitness, or indeed laughing at our shitness I don't know. But I heard people laughing anyway. And it wasn't just all in my head again. No it wasn't. Well, Laurah said it was 'class!!!'. So it must have been awesome. Alex has my P.U.S.H. and W.W.J.D. bracelets. We swopped. I got his pearls and they smell of his passion fruit body lotion. Pearls? Body lotion? Passion fruit?! Shut up he has hot hair. Shut up. :op
Read 16 comments
you shut up.
: P
i dont trust your hair judgment, you know this!

mabey it is tommys back!
black is the new purple. well, purple is irreplaceable really!
and YOU shut up.
: P
well, purple is a lot prettier and looks better on velvet.

and i do believe YOU are the one who should shut right up.

: P

I thought Alex's voice did your face in.
jesus christ, you can talk shit! black velvet is lame (the song rules). purple velvet is way better.

and i think you better shut your fucking pie-hole.

: P
the song may not work with purple velvet but purple is waaay better then black. come to think about it, songs with black work pretty well.

but shut up china, or i'll smash your fucking face and ask questions later.

: P
Hahaha. Is he male or female? No, really! =P

I think you should give him back his capital. It's really not fair, y'know.
I have P.U.S.H and W.W.J.D and I want the F.R.O.G *wants many frogs*

Sexy Bibleness *licks*

And I'm sure you were the sexiest person in Leeds/wherever the hell you live. So there.
You are the schmexiest person EVER.

I think you should give PUSH to me *steals*


Does he have reason to be self conscious?
mmmhmm. I see.

fair enough, i guess. :P
Hehe. I know my photos rock. You know why? 'Cause they're mine. =P

(About Alex) Oh well, I suppose we all have our insecurities. =P
haha what does p.u.s.h. mean?
I havent talked to you in ages it seems like! All this exchangin of jewelry w/ Alex means the 2 of you are now an item, OFFICIALLY? I WAS shocked to hear guys wear pearls but really I know nothin bout the current fashions for young men. Im still amazed every time I see a box of hair colorin w/ a guys face on the front. And I love it that someone makes this product the sole purpose of which is to give a guy "BEDHEAD". Does Tommy HATE Alex?