Bible shopping losers.

Ahhh life is good and life is fine 'cause I made up with Alex and stuff is all cool (sung in the style of the Yellow pages advert. You Americans don't know what Yellow Pages is do you? You know why? Because you're just not English enough.)... Yeah so I sent him the bible verse on Friday night and I got lots of messages back on Saturday morning (lots actually being 9. ?!) about how he couldn't be in a relationship with someone who's a non christian. To which I replied, I am a bastard christian you fucktard. Or something to that effect. And probably more christian-sounding... So he said he'd ring me later that night and then there was the whole ringing or not ringing and the missing the calls because I was dying my hair (I dyed my hair!!! More later...) so in the end I got the call. "Right, so, okay what is it you wanted to talk about?" "Nothing I thought you were the one who wanted to talk about something?" "Well, no I just thought.."/"Well what is it..." (both at the same time) *pause* "well, go on," "No , you go first" "Ugh, I just wanted to know why it is that you thought I wasn't a christian" "I dunno I just thought you'd have said something about it." "I did! When I asked you that monday what you did at the weekend and you said 'Oh, I worked Saturday and I was at church on Sunday playing in the worship group and stuff' and then I was like 'Oh, I go to church too and I sing and play the violin in the worship band and stuff.' so we were like oh cool." "Oh yeah. So you did." "So this whole thing's just a big thing over nothing because you thought I wasn't a christian." "Errrrr, yes." "You loser, Alex." "Errrm, yep!" So we agreed to forget everything and just start again, 'cause I ain't one to hold a grudge, and then we talked for ages about boring christian things and said we'd meet up later this week and yay it's all cool. So hoorah for that being sorted and me not ranting about Alex any more. Yet. After that I rang Sarah, 'cause I decided seeing as I'd promised Alex I'd go to church 'cause I haven't been in about 2395293847 years I'd probably be better off going, and in the end she ended up coming over and we got a bit over excited and made CD's. Heheheh. That's what happens when me and Sarah get excited. Cd's/tapes are made. Went to the Les Miserables rehearsal on Sunday, which was okay. Like, bearable okay. I wasn't in half the scenes anyway so I spent most of the day just sitting around. Then I went to church which rocked, and so did going to Eleanor's afterwards, and so did going to the pub, until I got tired and needed bed. Yeah everything's cool at the moment. Sarah suggested I invite Alexio to go bible shopping with us (yes that sounds so insanely sad, but I need an NIV so that's what we're gonna do. Bible shop.) so I did and he hasn't texted me back yet. But it was kind of late when I text him and he said he'd be busy today, so we'll see. :o) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOh I forgot to tell you about my hair! My mum dyed it dark brown for me. Well, she actually managed to dye my entire head dark brown, so I ended up spending about an hour scrubbing my face with nail varnish remover. As if the hair dye fumes weren't enough... Wellety, it looks cool. Better than the 6 inches of roots I had before anyway... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex can't come on Thursday. Bah sucks.
Read 22 comments
they sound like sexy boxers, but i'm sure they're even sexier off... yeah, i'm a horny little fucker, so sue me, sue me, shoot bullets through me...
: P
I love art!

Even exams!! =D =D Best thing in school!
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you!!!

haha, cool bibles.
I wanted one of those 'teen' niv ones with the cartoons and expanding on the passages. I always wanted one. But they gave me a little ... i don't even know what version it was. *sigh* but it does have my name pretty in gold on the red cover. Because it's cool when a book is yours, intrinsically.
I love the Yellow Pages advert. That tune is excellent. "'Cause I've met a girl and no one likes youuu..."


I am going to start using my camera. I just keep forgetting to take it to places. But I will have to use it for my art exam prep. Whee!
catholics kick baptists ass, and mary helps us.
oh you get to give a testimony? hmm, well i might give a testimony they might not want to hear.

someone tried to get me to go to church sunday, i was like uhh no, and they were like, come on, its baptist.
ah, i see. i read through his entries. reminds me of a kid in a broken home or something. so who else is hurting at the moment?
: P
that's not good. that's relatively bad actually.
: P

do you have msn? cyber sex is a lot better than comment sex. a lot easier too. or aim?
: P
Oooooh. I missed drama! Where was I? Silly me.

Sounds exciting.
I'm glad you two have made up. Sounds cool. =)
my hair's starting to look pretty shit too.
hey, fuck jobs, i thought we were going to start an edible underwear business or something?
: P
I think they do have Yellow Pages in America actually (In Grease, when Danny says to Sandy that she should put an ad it the Yellow Pages). But I don't know *feels all clever*

I really shouldn't be watching Grease.
yay bible shopping! I need ta go bible shopping, I didn't bring my bible with me when I moved.

too bad alex can't go(slash)yay for making amends!
okay okay, i have read some of the bible before, pieces here and there, revelations is cool, its just all so...hmm im not sure what the word is, it just leaves me feeling like there is too much left open to interpretation.
humans wrote the bible, therefore you never know, you know?
but im very religious otherwise.

jesus rocks.


are you gonna get all serious and be born again and all that? cause that would be funny.
yeah my moms dumb but she will get over it and learn to live with it and if she cant then thats her problem, cause there is nothing she can do about it!!!
ha ha ha

aww, no hoo.
someone gave me a bible the other day. at school. it was green. i really am not sure what im supposed to do with it!!!

It's a shame he can't go with you, but I'm sure there'll be other opportunities.

I've got a camera all to myself now.
So ha!

I keep forgetting to take it places when I might actually use it though. Stupid girl. Very stupid girl.

I should start taking it everywhere.

ha ha, youre so hilarious!!!

get camera, aim, shoot... i wanna see hair.
And who can say why a guy wants his bung cemented closed. People are weird, especially homo people. I wish I could remember the details of the surgical procedure that remedied this dude's concretion problem, cause I read bout how it was done. Sadly, THAT memory's been replaced with more important ones, like Tommy's email address and his boyfriends' names and all the different places he's arsebanged someeone. There's only limited space in my head!
Well of course America has Yellow Pages. Weve had them for as long as I can remember. I think America INVENTED the Yellow Pages young lady? Are you tryin to pick a phone book fight here?
Hey Im somewhat surprised to find yer a churchgoin Christian & all that. Do I need to adjust my behavior or WATCH my FILTHY mouth or who knows what? Id imagine every single thing Ive ever said to yous UNACCEPTABLE to Christians! But youve been so nice to me! :]
Yay, hair! Sounds really cool. Apart from the scrubbing-your-face bit.

Take pictures and show us!

I don't think David picked up that message in the end, I don't suppose it matters because he got to see me in the flesh anyway. Hehe. =P