What the...

Well well, I'm well and truly confused. It's amazing how God can go, "Hmmm I feel like being good today..." one day, and then the next go "Now I'm gonna turn everything that happened yesterday on it's head and make Lucy's life all shit again. 'Cause that's allways a laugh...". It's probably a punishment for not doing my performance studies coursework. He knows. He knows all. Yeah, so anyway, the day started okay. We had a shitty Music Industry lecture first thing, but it was okay because I was sat next to Mike and we wrote stupid things on my workbook. Note how stupid things allways seem to be written on my notebook and never on anyone elses. The bastards. The lecture finished half an hour early though, so I got half an hour quality toast time. Yay. Then I went up to the computer room to do my Performance studies write-up-evaluation-thing and I think I did that okay. The only problem is that half my practice log has dissapeared into this air so I could only hand half of it in. Damned God, again. Then we had listening skills, which is allways a good lesson because our teacher's cool. That also finished half an hour early. So I went and chilled in the bar for a bit (haha for a change), then went to finish my performance studies write up off and went back to the bar. I was then hungry so I asked Alex if he wanted to go to the bakers, to which he replied he had a lecture, but he'd be walking that way anyway and so he could walk me up (don't ask, for some reason they have random lessons in some building that's not college...) so I waited for him and walked with some of his friends. So anyway, we were walking out of college and I was talking to one of his friends taking the piss out of him for being camp and using cocoa butter moisturising lotion from the Body Shop (don't ask, I'm just as worried as you are...) and just generally having a laugh. So then Alex went and sat on a bollard being all camp and stuff and we were laughing at him until his friend said... "Hahaha, don't you feel so sorry for his girlfriend?!" Bollocks. So yeah, my heart did the whole sink-down-to-the-shoe thing. I just sort of laughed allong with it and walked straight over the road just before the light went red. I was just about to walk straight off, but then I thought, no, don't be immature. So I waited for Alex at the other side of the road. His friends went off in the direction of their lecture, but he walked me to the bakers. I should have said something then. I should have asked him about it, then it wouldn't be fucking plagueing me now. But at the time I thought, no. I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing another girl likes him, I'll leave it. So I did. So he walked me to the bakers and then went to his lecture. I was just so angry. He'd completely been flirting with me yesterday. Definately. I know when someone's flirting, I just don't like to say it so I don't get my hopes up for something that might not happen. I couldn't believe how stupid I was. Why hadn't he even mentioned it?! WHY?! So i was very confused and upset and angry, and didn't even know if it was actually true or not, so I went back to college more-or-less feeling like a big pile of shite. I then had tutor, which cheered me up a bit. Our tutor is cool, and my tutor group are hillarious so I was feeling better. After tutor I went to the hatch to hand in my coursework with Katie, and he was there. I was just so gutted I didn't even want to talk to him so I just stood there being a goon while he asked me over and over again if I was okay. I just nodded. Shit me why do I have the incapability of acting like a human being sometimes? So we had theory which was okay because I'm sat with Josh and we're both normally clueless but today we were on a roll! Haha we were coming out with all these mint cadences and Josh was like "We're on fire!!". Haha Josh makes me laugh. Then I was sat with Josh and Clara in the bar. Those two rule so I was feeling better. So anyway, I went down to the ground floor because the bar toilets were being painted (dammit!! I really needed a wee!!) and out the window I saw Alex walking away from college. I debated for a second whether to go after him and appologise for acting like a prat, and decided I would. So I did. "Alex I'm sorry for acting like a weirdo... blahblah... had a shit day... etcetc" "Aww it's okay... blahblah... I get in moods sometimes... etcetc... Dya want a hug?" ?!?!?!?! So I gave him a hug, because despite the fact that he's supposedly taken, he still hot and lovely. Dammit what the hell is going on?!?! Meh. Bed time methinks.
Read 14 comments
Why can't you just go after Alex & ask him to bed, stake yer claim before some other girl does?
I got a question for you: I've been readin up on Tommy (his few back entries) & goin back & forth followin chats between him & commenters, just tryin to get to know him, ya know..and well..ONE of the commenters implied that Tommy's hung like a horse (Tommy even acted genuinely embarassed that the news'd gotten out)..IS HE PACKIN? I figured you'd know.
hey. hi. ummm. nice picture. i can see your .... knee cap. it's pretty.
oh. right. your knees. did i say knees? what i meant was elbow. a very sexy elbow i see there.
Aww, that sucks. But if he flirts with you when he's got a girlfriend then something must be amiss in that camp. (Hahah, camp being the operative word, apparently.)

I dunno.

Sounds kinda crappy.
I asked & you told me so if I'm all horned up now over Tommy & can't sleep right at night I got nobody to blame but myself.! You gave me the followin choices: a) kinda ok b) seen bigger c) average d) slighty small fuckin DONKEY. I'm certain "D"'s the correct answer & thus I lie abed here wide-eyed & sufferin with visions of Tommy & his barnyard appendage. We spoke on this very subject when we 1st met. Tom's too big for you but just right for me!
Okay, you want the blokes point of veiw? I'll be honest (even though I want to stab the guy with this fork I have in my hand) it DOES NOT sound like he has a girlfriend. Unless the guy is a complete player (short trousers and big teeth...? ummm no) I doubt he'd be acting like he is.

I think his friend probably got it wrong. Or maybe she likes him, clocked that you like him, and tried to scare you off? Haha!! Didn't think of that one did ya? :p
Ugh, you just think I'm good for nothing don't you?

And you were DYING to say no shit Sherlock. I know you were.

Hmph, the things I do...
Eh, seeing it on a computer screen is easier to deal with than hearing spoken in your voice.

Hey I took time to diagnose the problem. I think I should be owed a thank you.

Thank you.
No problem Miss Bumblebum.
right there.
oh yeah. i'd sex that elbow so long it turned into an ankle. or a thigh bone. mmmmm .... thigh bone. lightly glazed juicy, white thigh bone. with gravy. and potatoes. and little sauteed carrot thingies. mmmm .... and pie. and ..... ummmm, what were we talking about?
Thanks for straightenin me out on the TommyGun issue. I'm glad to find out he's average cause the bigger a guy is the more competition I'd have for gettin in his pants. I've found that donkey dicks're very popular with the boys & to get to one I usually have to take a number & get in line. I like the fact that Tommy's a more accessible guy...maybe even accepts walk-ins (no appointment necessary). He's just so damn likable. No wonder you love him.
To me it seems more likely that he's just a cock, but let's hope not. =)
You should definitely just casually ask him about his girlfriend, and then if he goes, "What girlfriend?" just go, "Oh, well, you know _____ mentioned about her when we were walking wherever it was..."

And then the mystery will be solved.
I'm such a pessimist.

Ignore me.
