
[00:06:00] sarah jean: i saw tubby and charlie in the castle on monday [00:06:12] -lu-lu-label: :| [00:06:20] -lu-lu-label: okay i really didnt want to know that [00:06:48] sarah jean: sorry [00:06:50] sarah jean: :( Nice one. Tubby's back in town. Now I can spend the entire holiday hoping he'll pop up round every corner. What fun. Aaaaaaand I got invited out for a meal ond round town for Hayley's birthday, but I can't afford the meal so I'm gonna have to just borrow a fiver off Sarah to get into Buzz, and then spend this new unique opportunity to look for Tom again and then, probably want to go home when I find him. I love my life. Alex is being a twat. But at least the kids holiday club is going well. Yay. Fuck off.
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Thing is, the scary thing is that that is the average. Most of the people that I know lost theirs around 16/17. So there must be people out there who lose it like 11/12. You wonder why?
Twwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaattt!! I like that word. I think I'll change me name to Twatty Vagina. Oh yeah. I hunger.
That's nothing to "Bah" about, that's something to be proud of.

"I am a virgin and fucking proud of it!"

Well, actually, I'm not. You know they always tell you in school to 'wait for someone special'? So wish I'd done that *sighs*

People don't have breasts by 11. I know someone who lost it at 12 to a 16-year-old boy. What was going through that guy's mind? How can you do that in a normal mental state? *shudders*
Who's Tubby?
oo i know what you mean. you know someone's in town so youre overly paranoid that you'll see them everywhere/anywhere. no good.