I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, didilly dee dum...

These updates are getting very few and far between. I swear it's because I'm too busy, 'cause I'm so popular and stuff, not cos I'm so poor I'm having to make everyone christmas presents.... Anywho, how is everyone? I'll tell you how Lucy is, pretty rubbish. Well, right now she is anyway, fucking hormones... I went to see Joe's show on Saturday which was good (haha I just put food instead of good. What. A. Typo.). Well, his bits were good anyway, the bits with the little kids were, however, a little stressful. Stressful, as in it was stressful trying to stay awake. Heh heh. Yeah, so anyway, the show finished (hooray!!) and Joe took me for a nice Italian meal, allthough he wouldnt tell me where we were actually going beforehand despite my constant askings of "Where are we going, Joe? Where are we going? Joe? Where are we going?... etcetc". I think he did quite well. Anyway, the meal, yes the meal was nice as was the rather nice bottle of rose we had with the meal. After the meal we went to the aftershow party lock in thing which was at this bar, and we had two more bottles of Jacobs Creek, (I think you can probably see where this is going...) until I felt ill and we went back to his. We went to bed at about 2/3, somewhere in that region, and actually went to sleep at about 6/7. What happened between those times, I have no real recollection, but I was told today that I bit his penis. As to why I would ever think that was a good idea, I have no clue. It's quite amusing though isn't it? ... :oD Monday was a crap day, my latest piece of Composing and Arranging coursework is a pile of wank, as is my Theatre teacher. I'd spent ages wroking out the parts for 'Oh Happy Day' but the tosser has decided that he will tell everyone how to do everything because he of course knows more about gospel music than I do so he will tell everyone how to do it his way despite the fact that it's supposed to be our own production which now sounds SHIT. **gasp** Anyway I cried on Joe and he was all lovely about it. So I decided he should get some nakedness yesterday. So he did. Mwaha. Yes, anyway, back to Monday, before I get ahead of things. My next lesson was Performace Studies with the girl formally known as Katie, commonly known as Splinter, Gitface, Uglystuppidthinksshe'sacebitchgirlthing, and she hadn't done any practice. Again. So the entire lesson was spent on Katie learning her piano part. Oh well, at least this time she actually turned up... But chamber orchestra was cancelled. Yay! And I got rid of Tom's necklace today! Yay! I sold it to Chris for a fiver. :oD I really need to do some violin practice 'cause I can't play this stupid peice. But it's too late now. Booo! Oh well.
Read 3 comments
I like your diary* :)

more reasons why i shouldn't give head.

i might bite. xD that's so funny. go you.
Naked boys :) me likey. Hope you have fun learning your music piece.