
Righty, results. I bet you all can't wait to know what I got? Well, I got a B in Maths! ... and, err, not much else. But I got a B! And I dont need these fucking grades anyway. Fuck them all. Fuckers. On to more important matters. Well, I was supposed to go out last night with Laurah, it being results night and it being really really stupid not to. Duh. But she decided that she was too tired. There is something very wrong with my friends. So with lots of cursing and 'fuck you's I went out with my mum and Paul for an Indian. Yuuuuuuuum!! So after the indian I decided I'd see if I could find some other people to go out with so we headed to Mex (really really good bar). Unfortunately, no sooner had we entered Mex then the mood started to dip, because my mum had asked for a tonic water and Paul had taken it upon himself to decide that she actually wanted a gin and tonic. I, myself would not be complaining, but my mum wasn't best impressed and proceded to spend the next half hour or so looking moody and not talking. So I decided to go outside where it was less noisy to make a phoncall to Holly, to she if she was out yet, and outside, was Danny. Now I don't exactly remember how events went, but I remember what appeared to be him noticing me and coming towards us, but then it looked like he was actually greeting his friend who had just walked across, and then he stuck his middle finger up at me! I spent the next hour thinking 'What the hell?!' and still trying to get hold of Holly, but to no avail. So since my mum was now complaining that she was too cold, we decided to go into Havana which is on the back of Grand Central, the club where all my frinds were. So we got into Havana and my mum had found lots more things to complain about, i.e. the front being open so she was still cold, her not having a drink (even though Paul had just bought her one in Mex and she'd left it on the flipping table) and I soon got sick of it and wondered off in the persuit of the toilet. Then suddenly, as if from nowhere, everyone appeared. Holly and Hayley were there, and Holly told me she hadn't been able to answer the phone 'cause it was being stupid or something. Ad, Dave, Nick and Scho were all there, and they told me they were going to Grand Central in a bit so I stuck with them. So yeah, we stayed in Havanah for a bit and then qued for Grand Central (for about half an hour, might I add) and eventually got into Grand Central. Grand Central was poo, all packed because it was results night, too hot because of said packedness, and my feet were hurting because I was wearing stupid shoes and there was no where to sit down. I was having a crap time and decided I was goigntg to go home with Scho and Nick seeing as they were leaving early. Untiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll.... I saw Jess. She begged me to go and boogie, and boogie we did, untill we saw Charlie and went to speak to him, and the Jess went off and left me with Charlie, and then Charlie went somewhere else so I went to find Jess again... and you'll never guess who I found... Tom Craik. Yupyup. I debated for all of about a millisecond whether or not I should talk to him, and grabbed his arm after my sheer lack of will power got the better of me. I can't remember much of the conversation, but I think it went something like this: He said "Long time no see." and I said "Yeah. I've missed you." and he said "You too. How come I never see you out anymore?" and I said "Because I never have any money and besides, you'd only blank me anyway." so he said "That's probably because you punched me in Ice Bar." and I said "And as if you didn't deserve it." so he said " Okay, fair enough. I'm sorry." so I said "I'm sorry too." So we talked a bit more, and then went to the bar, and then went and sat down and talked a bit more. Untill eventually the lack of willpower prevailed again. "You know what I want to do don't you?" "Yeah..." And then he kissed me. And then I fell for him all over again. Damnit. So we spent the rest of the night talking and stuff, and the thing that struck me was how amazingly civilised he was being. He bought me a drink, he actually managed to stay with me for more than five minutes, and didn't go off and find someone else to get with. So by the end of the night we decided to go back to mine, did nothing dodgy (the clothes remained on) just laid on the double bed that folds out from the living room sofa, and talked about everything. What we were doing next year, music, even religion at some point, until I tickled his tummy 'till he fell asleep (because, according to him, theres's nothing better in the world than being tickled). I was eating my breakfast at the dining room table (which joins onto the living room) when he woke up and his hair resembled something out of Star Wars. We talked a bit more, then I walked him to the bus stop 'cause he went to go see his mum on her birthday. Nothing can or will happen, which I think is a good thing. He's going to Newcastle for uni in a month or so, so there's no point, and I don't think I want to ruin it anyway. I'm just going to miss him like hell when he does go. The only other thing is should I ring him to arrange to see him before he does? I'm muddled. Anyway, onto issue two of the day. Danny. I saw him for a second time that night in Grand Central, but I didn't stop to talk to him because I was on my way into Foundation with Tom, who I don't think Danny saw. So later that night I got a message from him (while I was in bed stroking Tom's tummy, and his hand was edging it's way up my leg, Goddamnit!!!) saying: 'Hey juicy.Ya wel ignored me tnite?Any reason?Ya ok?Xxxx xxxX' So I sent him a reply today saying I thought he'd stuck his middle finger up at me outside Mex, and that I couldn't stop to talk later on because I was with Tom. So he sent this back: 'Stuck my middle finger up?No way.But a suppose it wo best that we never started talkin if ya wo wi tom then.Good nite?' So I asked him what he meant. And got no reply. I just don't understand it. Why is he in a mood because I was with Tom? We weren't really doing much, and even if we were, it's got fuck all to do with him because he was the one who didn't want anything serious with me! Is he being jealous or have I taken it the wrong way? And if he is, does he even have a right to be jealous? I don't know, I'm confused. And I'm tired, so I'm off to bed.
Read 15 comments
i read this whole thing!
there were times when i should have stopped, when i wanted to stop, but it kept my eyes locked to the screen...
you could be the next bridgette jones!
well, thats always the way it is huh? the more confusing the more entertaining.
yeah, exactly but hey one day mabey you could make money off of your dumbfoundedness, so it all works out in the end...
bridgette jones is old by now anyway, we need fresh meat...or blood, whatever.
Thanks. For, well, yeah, the comment...and stuff.
well done on your results!
Man, Lucy. You make my life sound -not- confusing.
woo...things suddenly went WOOSH in this you got a B in maths and you're back with tom..are you back with him? you should be back with him. shouldn't you? what did Danny mean? OH GOD IT'S LIKE A FLAMMING SOAP OPERA
thats a fuckin long entry. anyways. im writing a story on here. check it out?
Hey, just to say i'm leaving sit!
Take care and i wish you all the best in the future, thank you for being there for me when I needed you.
Theres a little message for you on my diary :)
love Amy xxx
Where've you been, Moosey dear? =(
You haven't been on for a while as well. Where is moosey?

Lucy x x x
Mesa misses Moosey. =(
Where'd you go?
