
Well the past couple of days have been okay I suppose bar illness/tiredness/moodyness. They were good days really, but because of the fact that I feel like poo and thus cannot sleep so I've been in a shit mood and so they were rubbish. I think that explains it. Yes, I think you'll find it does. Are you arguing with me?! Got into college on Thursday morning and sat on my own instead of in the presence of the double hotness of Mike and Alex so I could concentrate on my theory and harmony homework which I hadn't done. And then Ian Smith (the lecturer) wasn't there anyway. Dammit. Had my violin lesson and I don't have to do my scales 'till next week. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! After my first two lessons I have frees and Alex the fitnessmeister is normally there. Which he was, as according to schedule. So we were sat with Josh and Hannah and Josh was all like "Oooooooooooooh is he the one you like!!" and everyone else was all like "Who?!?!" and I was like "Shut up Josh..." and so Josh was like "Hehehe I know who you like!!" and I was like "Josh, shuttit." and Hannah was like "Oooh is it Mike?!" and I was like "Shush no!! This stops now!!" and Steven was like "Oh who do you fancy?" and then I shouted stuff and ran downstairs. So then I came back upstairs and Hannah went to the bank, so I drew on Alex's manuscript paper while he tried to write out some excercises (I was actually trying to impress him with my ability to write music straight from my head onto score, but he's a drummer, so I don't think it worked). Then his mate turned up, so we wandered round town and I learned some... errr... intersting, party stories, and then Alex went and ran off into HMV. So we walked in after him, but when we got in there he was gone! So we looked around for a bit, and then looked upstairs, but he quite blatently wasn't there. So I got all sad. :o( We walked back to college, and just as we were about to get there Alex comes running up behind us and says "You left me!!". So we said, "No we didn't! You ran off without us!" so then there was another argument about whether or not we walked of without Alex or he walked off without us, and I think this kept us going for at least the rest of the walk back to college. So we got back to college and I managed to nut the table stand and look a fool. And then I also went and nutted the other side of my forehead on the table just for good measure. Real smooth, Lucy. Then all Alex's friends went so we were just sat there while he did his drumming excercises and stroked my head. Yay. I then had to make the crucial decision as to whether or not to go to the Les Mis rehearsal. I really really didn't want to go because I hate Les Miserables and everything involved with it and Alex was sat there pulling sad faces at me. But I went. Like a good girl. Then the rest was boring and rubbish and I babysat and couldn't sleep properly again so now I'm tired and can't be bothered writing about today because I have to go to my dad's. Byeeeeeeeee.
Read 12 comments
I hate Les Mis. Andrew Lloyd Webber just annoys me generally.

As does Valentine's day.
woo tiger!grawr! extra coolness.

sorry you weren't feeling good so your good days were shit. :( gotta hate that when it happens.
Teehee! three more and you'd have a whole orgasmic experience!

I've been sneezing like a sex addict or something lately, damned hayfever. Wreaking havoc on poor throats and noses.
Yeah Valentine's day is generally not good.

Well at least you have fit boys. If there was no gorgeousness it would be a sad day indeed.

Look, seriously why would you wanna bother trying for this Alex guy when you've got me all practically laid out on a plate?

You don't even have to love me or anything, just come here and hug me every once in a while.



(New Zealand actually)

heh i'm not used to it either.

I'm an American! aah
What?!?! :D
That sounds like a good idea. He isn't the one with a girlfriend is he?
22 sweets, I'm an old man now! He-he. I wouldn't expect 22 hugs...21, yeah, but not 22...
Just felt like commenting.

I'll hold you to that! Kiss Alex tomorrow, don't think about it!
yay roses on Valentine's day!!!

Yay awww.

Awww yay.