i cant do this anymore

Listening to: the tv
i cant do any of this anymore, my job my brother, guys i cant take it, its all becoming to much and i just cant deal with it. everyone at work seems to hate my guts cuz i screw up lots cuz it was my first fucking day and my brother is being the hugest dick right now and yelling at me cuz i was fuckin studying for my bio exam and not takeing the dog for a walk like fuck i need to pass that exam, he doesnt understand how much my marks actually mean to me, i'm freaking out right now cuz i cant handle this any more, i just dont wanna deal with it anymore, i wanna crawl in a hole a die seriously i cant take all the shit tahts going on my life especially with jessica, i dont know what i'm gonna do if anything happens to her or the babies and i just cant handle it any more! i need someone right now someone to cry to someon to just sit there with and have them hold me when i'm having a break down. i'm fuckin in tears right now cuz everything is so bad and it was going so good, i hate this soo much! -kristina
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you just need to calm down and instead of dealing with everything all at once pick them one at a time maybe from most important to least important or only think about the things you can actually control dont let stupid ppl get you down
i know how you feel