positive slope :)

whoaaaa crap...okay i had a conversation with my the bf today on the phone...everything was totally fine. but like he was silent for a second and i asked what was wrong..and he said to hold on a sec..so i did...and he said he had to call my back in a sad tone of voice. the poor guy calls me sounding way sad...i asked him what happened and i can tell he hesitated to tell me...but still did anyways. turns out hes having family troubles.. with his parents and all. poor guy. but yea. i guess i cheered him up.. :) hehe. So anyways...we are talking on the phone and he's writing an english essay where he has to write about a quote. the quote had something to do with judging on appearences and stuff. so anyways...he just sent me what he wrote about it...it like made me cry. One experience of my own demonstrates this clearly. Just recently I met this girl. I had always thought she was cute though I had never really talked with her. I'll admit that my initial attraction to her was physical, being that I didn't know what kind of person she was or how she acted. But thanks to her looks I have gotten to know this wonderful girl and I have found out that she is an intelligent, fun, and all around great person. Without my physical attraction to her I probably never would have found out that this girl is even more beautiful on the inside than on the out. jeeeeeze. haha well that most def. made me happy. :) well its time to go...i got shit to do!
Read 5 comments
aaaaaawwwwwww amanda hes so cute...yay..i love you bunches
erm. your diary is about to be cool except for justin timberfake explodes it into terribleness. trash the pic and you've got a grade a color scheme goin on.
sucks for your bee eff though. i think it's required for growing up, most of the time. some kids get lucky.

other kids get their ears burned off from the stove. family problems. guh.

oh well, at least you two are doing well.
wow. I cant believe that Panda. That actually made me cry too.....
nice essay but its kinda mushy....