
I've been through so much in life, and it seems like I've learned so much. Here's what: Take a freaking risk from time to time. It might be good, it might be bad, but I'm telling you, if it's good, it's the best feeling in the world. If someone pisses you off, don't be afraid to smack them. They probaly won't want to piss you off anymore. Always accept the truth and don't lie to yourself. It's worse than lying to others. Hold your ground. If someone says shit about you, say shit back. But, if you are mature, you let it go. You know they are playing a game, and you know you can play it better. It's just not worth your time. Work for what you want, and don't ever give up. One day it will all pay off. Nothing is more rewarding. If a guy drives a "gay" car, you probaly don't want to date him. He will end up being a homosexual someday. He just doesn't know it yet. If he drives a truck, be careful with your heart. Boys with trucks can be bad, very bad. It's true, you CAN learn to love someone. But the thing is, once you realize your in love with the person it's already trashed. Don't say I love you to someone if you really, really don't mean it. Don't trust anyone but yourself. If your going to trust someone, let it be a friend. A friend who has never, ever let you down and who is always there for you. As attractive as it is, don't date the bad boy because that's exactly how the relationship will end up, bad. Be friends with your exes. Sometimes they can end up being the best friends you can have, they know you. If a guy is stupid and you get better grades than him, don't bother. Sometimes you need to play in the rain. Even if you're not five. Love yourself before you love anyone else. If a guy wants you "to do things" for him a week into the relationship, that's all he wants from you. Your just a piece of meat, he doesn't care about you. Keep your chin up. The moment in a relationship where he stops calling you, it's done. There's no going back. Once a relationship has been named "over", it's over. Once again, there's no going back. Find an outlet for your emotions. Whether it's writing, painting, dance...whatever it is, emotions aren't something that should be bottled up. People change. Things change. Accept it. It's inevitable. Appreciate the simple things. Nature is one of the most beautiful things in the world. If you need to go somewhere and think, this is the place. Don't run away from your problems. Look them right in the face and say, bring it on. But above all, live life to its fullest, and be thankful for every breath you take.
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