get ur climbing gear ready

"I've felt like shit all day. I don't srart crying, but I feel as if I'm on the brink every second and it's a bit like having a nightmare case of PMS, when you know the tiniest thing will push you over the edge, and you're literally clinging on to sanity by your fingertips." -Excerpt from a private entry And Shelby, I am fine, I just happend to be having an awful day, I mean awful. You know, one of those days where absolutly nothing seems to go right? Yah. It was one of THOSE days. I honestly have grown to have absolutly no respect for those who don't have consideration for other people's feelings. I would bend over backwards for my friends, and I do, but it seems like one of these friends has no morals. But that isn't my probem, it's hers. I realized that if for one day, I was totally honest, told everyone what I thought, what my feelings were, it would be a very bad thing. All hell would break loose, and I would have some people pretty pissed at me, but others left with questions. Don't ask. I wish I could be honest and speak my mind, and for once, defend myself how I have always wanted to. But to be honest (heh), I AM fine. I think I just have a good ol' case of dazed and confused. It'll pass. Before I go, I'd like to add another excerpt from this hardcore private entry. "They say that it never hurts as much after the first time, and I supppose there's an element of truth in that, but they also say that every time you get hurt the barriers go up a little but higher, and you end up being hard and cynical, and not giving anthing to anyone. I definatly have my moments, but who doesn't, right? But I think what happends is whenever I meet someone, I dive in headfirst, showering them with lust and attention, and hoping that maybe this time, they will be different. I think by now, my walls are too high to be climbed upon, and good luck to those who will try, you won't be too successful." -Amanda
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You know how stong you are, and you know what to do. You strengthen me everyday, and just remember everyone you meet is fighting their own battle. Say kind words, people don't hear them enough. You are my little sister I want to protect. I know I can't and that scares me. I know you are learning, so that scares me less. Be strong and know that I am always here for you. We'll take a drive around tahoe and forget everything. Love you.
love you. thanks.
