
so something happened and i have no idea why it just fucking erased everything... wtf... grrrr.... rhbgiqrehbgpioqhbgouqh3ogn.... imma write scott...
Read 11 comments
Check the last entry for my response dude.
i too have self control issues. with money...and boys. well anyways, have a splendid day!
yeah sometimes, lol.
guys have told me that i'm "evil" before. i'm not sure why though, hmmm...
haha, i didnt like it either. i just changed to green. it's SO much better.
ya too bad all of them cept one are seduced..thats why I have to unseduce two. why is everything in life so complicated? and I hate when that happens to my journal
There fourms or anything to bs with people or is all talking done through here.
nice site
maybe cuz u took too long typing? cuz when you do that it automatically logs you out...
why thank you much
i adore it too lol

ohh that diary thing happened to me the other day
its like grrrawr.
ta now
Thank you for the comment. Sometimes just reading what I should all ready know makes me feel better.

You'll be happy to know that I'm smiling right now.

Sorry about your entry being erased. If it's any conselation (spelling?) it seems like its been happening to a lot of people.
