A boring life in a boring town

Feeling: fat
Nothing has been going on. Because there's never anything to do. School sucks. People at my school suck [with the exception of like 4.. Maybe 5 people]. Not cool. I wuna get out of this state. Or at least this city. Soon. We got out of school 5 minutes early today and yesterday. So I guess thats uh... Cool? Emily picked me up today. We were guna go to David's and smoke but he had to go to the doctor and by the time he got back I wouldn't have had enough time to smoke and come down so that ended up not happening. And it sucks. But oh well. That's what tomorrow is for... Right? Yeah, it is. So for lack of better things to do, we went to pick up our last pay checks. Mine was $7.17. That is sad. And I need a new job. After that, we went back to Emily's for a little while. Then Doug called her and he was guna go to her house to watch a movie or something. And I didn't feel like being there for that so they brought me home. I played with Willie P. for a little while. Then Sarah called and wanted me to go over to her house and watch The Grudge. So I did. Then came back to my house to eat. Then went back to Sarah's. And now I'm back home. Bored out of my mind. Because there's nothing to do. Mardi Gras is next Tuesday. Thats 6 days. And I haven't been to any parades yet. So I'm thinking about going to a shitty Metairie parade tomorrow night. Not sure yet though. We shall see, we shall see. And Saturday is Endymion. Definatly going. Might go to my aunt's house since she lives really close to where it passes. And we have a bottle of Absolute Mandarin, which makes everything better. Well most things. But we gotta save some for Sunday because WE GONE BACCHUS.. CAN'T STOP US! Ha.. Yeaaaaah. Just gotta find a ride. But that's not till Sunday so I'm not worried about it now. Can't wait though. Hopefully we're guna go with David.. Because that's the reason we gone Bacchus. But if not, it shall be cool anyway... Right? I think so, my friend. Indeed. I must say, this has been a rather pointless babbling entry. Sorry to bore you, but no one said you had to read it. I guess I shall end it here.
Read 4 comments
hahah didnt mean to make ya leave emily's. a ride ehh.
Hah.. You didn't. Just kinda.... Wanted to leave? Iduno.
What about "a ride"?
gotta find one o course
Heh, Get a broke watch and set it to 4:20 and when ppl ask the time say "4:20" got the weed man?