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Feeling: slaphappy
don't know why, but for some reason i'm wearing my retainer and it hurts REALLY bad. hah oh yeah. you should congradulate me. i didn't smoke today! *tear* anyway.... yeah. yesterday i was thinking how long its been since i've changed. i haven't changed since like... 7th or 8th grade. that's sad. i'm still wearing jeans & band t-shirts. my hair is a different color, but its still fucked up and undistinguishable. i'm sick of being the same, but i have no problem with it. iduno its really weird. and yes. kristie has officially been single for 11 months and 3 days now. lovely. and today is valentines day. goddamn do i feel loved. i'm not digging this. and i'm also not digging the fact that i missed jupiter sunrise AND hawthorne heights. SUPER GAY! iduno. kinda....not too good right now. will sleep help? possibly. good night. *for everyone who has a valentine, happy valentines day. ♥ and i'm out.
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if you wore your retainer when your supposeto allthetime would it still hurt? and when you wrote change what did you mean? mental or physical or superficaly most likly you changed alot since 7or8
i know i have
hah no my retainer would not hurt if i wore it. and when i said change, i meant physically. and mentally too i guess :-