weekend and whatnot

Feeling: bleh
so this weekend sucked pretty hard. friday emily and i went to tony's and drank. he got super trashed so we had to take care of him. once his was finished puking and whatnot, we made sure he was okay then went to.. shawn's house i think? chilled there for iduno, a long time. then went back to emily's and crashed. saturday, woke up, came home, sat here pretty much all day. yesterday went to sarah's. most uneventful weekend in a really long time. i'm so ready for school to fucking be over. so much drama. hate it mucho. and iduno, i'm just really pissed off lately. like, irratable kinda. don't know why, just people don't have to do much to piss me off anymore. and it's getting to the point where i can't hide it either. but.. whatever. i need a job. naps are fun. peace.
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slurp... im a member no haha
thats my journal!
oooo alright