
Feeling: content
it's mother's day. and that sucks quite a bunch. eeeeh... blah. friday, i was sober. last night i was sober. but i'm not complaining because i'm so..... happy. and it's the weirdest thing ever. i love it. last night me and ryan came back to my house and we were just chillen in my room listening to music. the mars volta & the postal service. that was the happiest i've ever been since... probably since the last time i tripped. if its the same for him, i do not know. it would be pretty fuckin cool if it was, but iduno. =) but the parentals are making me go out to eat or something. fuck. i'll write more later if i feel like it.
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if you want me to insult you more to spice things up just let me know k buddy. give your journal a little jumpstart dont you think?