of mice and men

i can't tell you how many times i've heard from a friend "oh, my friend so-and-so thought you were gorgeous!" yes, who doesn't like hearing that, but it's a bittersweet compliment when paired with the fact that that same admirer wouldn't make eye contact with me or speak directly to me, if they even acknowleged my presence. what the crap? what's your problem? if you like me, if you think i'm attractive/funny/nice/whatever, talk to me! i promise i won't bite your head off! in fact, i'll actually be nice to you! this is the story of my entire fucking life and i hate it! how many times have i attended school dances? more than i care to mention. i have never, at any function in my high school career, slow-danced with more than one person. people just don't ask me! maybe (hopefully) it's just the guys in my school/town, but for all the balls they have they might as well be girls! damn it! i am so sick of this stupidity! am i that fucking threatening? honestly... this is why i've given up on guys. screw them... my advice though, to any guy who might (but probably won't) read this: take charge! i'm not usually one for gender stereotyping, but be a man! if you like her, go for it. if you don't make your move, you'll never get the girl. suck it up and say hi. damn it i hate stupid boys...
Read 3 comments
why'd you title this of mice and men?
yeah, members of my gender need to wake up. it's all about being secure, and honest with yourself.

(i must live by my example, i must live by my example, i must live...)
// comment appreciated / in response to your written entry: it's not so simplistic -- most guys would whole-heartedly agree / your time will come soon enough though -- hopeful //

- dan -