i'm special

sometimes (a lot of times) i don't really notice things till they're in the past. really obvious things. the first day of my american lit class i remember thinking of my ta "geez, he's tall!" and then, progressively, "he talks kinda funny," and "he sure is a snazzy dresser!" he always used to sip lattes and the like during class, and the selections we read were all rather feministic. anyway, i dropped the class. later, like two weeks ago, i realized "oh my gosh he's the gayest person alive!" and it all made sense... i didn't know what pot smelled like till like last year. (yay innocence!) anyway, i went to this outdoor concert on 4/20... i was like "oh, this should be fun... a concert in the park!" and then when i got there i noticed that it smelled a lot like my brother's room... OHHHHHHH. right! that makes sense... just now i remembered that he had this one shirt that said "we never went to high school, we went to school high" on it, and i never even understood what that meant. i just got it though. haaaaaaaa my brother was a pothead. i'm special.
Read 13 comments

how i love thee.
I'm not very perceptive at all. It takes me a while to figure some things out.


you make me laugh :P
Ha, oh lindsey...at least you notice things at some point or another...i guess it could get worse
just as long as
you don't pronounce it

Hey you're special like me! Yeah I don't get things for awhile then it just pops in my head and I realize slow I must be to not realize it. Acutally my friends say I'm special for other reasons. Aparently my personality/thoughts are special. Anyways being special rocks. I like your picture with the chick's legs, makes you wounder "where's the remote?" That and where is the rest of her body?
hehehe thats funny...its ok, it takes me a lil while to get stuff too!

Again in the wilderness of thought!
i snicker
like a fish

You're not the sharpest cookie in the can, huh?
THat made me laugh so hard I peed my colon.
ahh... good times.
just askin all vet's of sD, do ya know of any way to put your code either in the left or right coulums? much thanks,
woohoo! i'm a vet!
