happy late birthday
i sent you a jillion dollars for your b-day, i hope it gets there ok.

any choice gifts?
i did yahoo you.

and then you passed out.

i am the greatest yahooer ever.

happy late bday
need advice for something? im here to listen! and give advice

(only comment back if you need advice with something)
i believe a happy birthday is in order, regardless of shoddy timing.

so hey, happy birthday.

and have a nice day.
you are so gorgeous!
you are so gorgeous!
You! I know what you are!

You .... you're a .... a giant diary slacker.

That's right. I said it.

How was Vegas?
happy belated birthday
Happy belated birthday. Yay for birthdays!

Even you wished yourself a late birthday so now I dont feel bad for being late.

What an amazing strategy. You're crafty like that.

Happy birthday.