You rock.
Merriam's a very lucky large binded book.
mmmm.. pizza.
But now I switched to ice cream. I should be so much fatter than I am, man.
Anyway, I finally saw those pictures you posted way back when. I know it's like almost a year late, but I'd go with the black shirt. Or the white one.
man thats a big ass book! do you get header pictures just in one entry?:-/
[Anonymous] not particularly fond of it, though.
PS.rad glasses!
aw yeah.not talking to someone for 1 day is bad.but i havent talked to this particular person for almost 9 months.(long story)eh =/ i'll survive.
ps.THAT pic is way cool.heh.
That damn blank box is my muse.
And I know what you mean. I've only been here two months, and I look in the anniversaries box and see two names, nad then look at the number who joined today and there are nearly 50. Poor scott.
P.S.-- and why, might I inquire, have you arisen at such an unhealthy hour? To bed, I beseech thee!
Speaking of updates...
I remember seeing some here once, but they seem to have been lost in the clutter of your passion.
Or do you hate me and not want to grace me with your words anymore?
There is a word I'm thinking of that I cannot remember to describe one of your pictures, so when I remember it I will come back and tell you I remembered it and describe it to you.
And glad I can keep you from abandoning this site, for I know no other site. I am tethered here like a freak on a electronic collar.
We, you and I, are the money, my dear girly.
Foreign countries had to put an embargo on us for we flood their market and stagnate their economies when we visit.
Thank you, miss girly.
As always, your gremlins mean more to me than most of the other little critters people leave me.
Yours are the politest, most housebroken and potty-trained little gremlins I have ever seen.
i like your diary.stop by sometime.
woooo distractions.
interesting how you have a picture of someone kissing a book, and so does Ashley... "englishsongbird"
That's just about the sexiest thing I've every seen.
I have pizza. Cheesey. Want me to fax you a slice?
That or I'm making shrimp salad. But you'd have to wait a smidge for that. And I'd probably have to morse code you that.
cute diary
Aaaaand congratulations on the pomp and ceremony of becoming the Mrs. Merriam Webster.
If you need a clown with balloon animals, give me a call.
I make a heck of a balloon hippo.
*looks around for lindsey*

--el dom
Despite the hours and days and lifetimes that have passed without my noticing them, I can still see the l**e here.
Don't let this one get away, [girly]. He looks like a keeper.
Unless you arms get tired, then tie a leash to him and pull him behind you in a little red wagon.
Aaaand, awww, you'd catch me?
You never yahoo anymore...or are you an aficionado of hiding too?
I miss our once a month talks about random things.

Be well, reference book canoodler.

that was nick, btw.
I forgot my name.
Stupid names.
Is that the version with pictures?
If you look up lazy old turd, you'll find me.
Nice pants...
thyank you for making me laugh.

seriously, you two should elope.
hay babie, let's go hop on da good foot and do da bad thang

Yesss, happy we shall be, my dear.
Now all I need is a giant book to hold in my arms...
Do they allow reference book weddings in san fran?