Aw, it's cute! It looks kinda bow-legged to me, but it adds to the cuteness.

Aww that's really cute!!! And a WHOLE lot better than anything i could paint, thats for sure!! haha altho i'm kind of artistically challenged, but oh well, its still really cute. Robots are cool. Why are you so fascinated with them?
i drew a robo yesterday. it was afro bush bot. it has a wire afro in 2 places and a wire tail functioning as a broom. he also comes with a built in espresso maker and movie viewer important features.

0 0|<<<_-_|
i drew a new robot today. it's called kill-bot. it has items deadly to certain individuals. ex: porn for bible thumpers, and spouts that cloud a room of air freshener and an everlasting game of pong for those obsessive complusive people.
// domo arigato mr. roboto, domo / my thoughts are wondering where've you been / thank you very-macho mr. roboto // - dan -
mY microBomBZ will DeSSTroy d PLAnert

/// /. -- -.. microsound ..- -- .

The new generatoION of cOmputing.
eVryb0Dy danc3!
I like this picture... that's a pretty darn good robot! and he's in dance position, as im sure most robots love to dance. good depiciton. anyway, i LOVE nickel creek and was going to drive 12 hours to Virginia Beach to see them, but no one could go with me :( waaahhh. thanks for the note!!!
i drew a zit bot today. this guy in front of my had a large zit on his neck and inspired me. the robot has special poppers and then vacuums out pus.