bathroom sovereignty

my friend gen has a theory, fully supported by yours truly, that when in the bathroom, it is weird to talk to people. she calls it "an invasion of bathroom sovereignty". i mean, if you're up there brushing your teeth or washing your face or something, that's cool. i have no beef with you. but if i'm in the shower, or going wee-wee, please don't talk to me. i already don't like that you have to hear me tinkle. you're only making it worse. i was sitting on the can today (yeah, that's right) and the girl like two stalls down was talking. to whom, one might wonder? she was on the phone. yeah, she was on the john and the phone at the same time. does this seem peculiar to anyone else? one other time i was again in my stall and my roommate comes in shouting "hey linds!!" so i'm like "uhh... yes?" "phone's for you!" WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT??? i'm using the restroom, i'm actually peeing while she's saying this!! oh, yeah, let me just open the door and- NO! i still have to wash my hands, and so much for privacy i guess?? that's just weird. i was like "umm... wanna wait a minute?" weirdo. she also likes to get in the shower stall right next to the one i'm using and converse, while we're nude and lathering. i find it a bit peculiar. apparently in conversation with friends i've found this happens quite frequently with them as well, and they are also not enjoying it. i vote we cease this action immediately. please do not challenge my bathroom sovereignty. ps - is there anything in this world more pleasurable than slightly melty ice cream, the kind around the outsides of the carton??? i vote no.
Read 7 comments
i agree it tastes so yum. what i do is i get the half melted ice cream & mix it with cherry coke. tastes so good.
Haha that's weird, I don't find it freaky at all...

Mind you, the only time I ever do it when I'm pissed...

Lucy x x x x x x
Nobody comes in and watched me poop because my poop stinks.

I put on quite a show, though. They have no idea what they're missing.

Y tambien, hola mi amiga. *upside down question mark*Que pasas?
Oh, they're more than stinky my dear, they are goll darn fumagatory.
I think your vote was miscounted.

I liked it anyway.

Full of o's.

And everyone likes a good o every now and then.
You look so cool when you get comments from so many different names.

Seriously cool.

Like Hanna Barbera cool.

I miss cartoons. Let's go back to the 80's and do it all over again?
Noxious obliteration, it means, loosely, but why it strikes you so,I have no idea. Just two words that describe me is all they are. And hello lindsey. That hello being reserved for whenever you get this. And nice chameleon pic over yonder. Me digs.