i hope god and my priest aren't mad at me

but i wasn't listening during the sermon today. the church was full of families with their babies and toddlers, as usual. (go catholicism!) i started to look at the omnipresent children individually. there was a little boy sitting in front of me, maybe a year old. adorable. his clothes were so tiny and cute, and he was so curious about everything around him. there was an infant who slept the entire mass in her father's arms next to us... i don't know, i could go on describing the children, but i think i'll just skip to the point. i started thinking about these babies, and the lives that would lay ahead of them... these kids who are now pooping themselves and drooling a lot will one day be the leaders of america. that little baby girl might grow up to be the doctor that one day saves my life. that little boy might teach my children how to write. it's really quite amazing to think of the possibilities that lie in those little lives. they're people, waiting to blossom. and one day, they will be grown up and they will have children of their own, little bundles of potential in a dirty diaper. how adorably fun to think about...
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Hey hey sexy lady, long time no talk- Yeah its always weird to contimplate things like that. BUt I often find myself in the weirdest places tinking about such obscure things as that. Rock on- as usual. - Chad
hmmm.... well, i never looked at things like that, i always just thought.... eww, babies=dirty... thats a whole new perspective.... wow, im going to go steal a potential car thiefs' balloon