I don't want to speak these words...

Feeling: exhausted
I'm so tired. Today was my first day back at school since I got sick. Four days without school is a pretty long time. I was so tired by third period. I was like a zombie the rest of the day. Nothing important or funny or anything like that happened. I had to dress up because we taught our Algebra II class today. It sucked, but I got extra credit :) I'm going to Michelle's this weekend :D Girls' WEEKEND Yes! Can you say three dozen wings, a million movies, and some of the craziest times of our lives. Dude we might even go see the Spongebob Movie :D "I'm David Hasslehoff" haha I was so happy when I got home and could change into my comfy sweatpants and a nice cozy tank top :D I'm gonna have to get a sweatshirt though because I'm freezing. I love this song. Tiger Lily. Its the best. I'm going to go because I have nothing else to talk about :D -Oh, I spazzed out in German today 'cause of what Grandma told me about Cody's mom telling my Aunt- That doesn't make any sense to anybody but Michelle :D
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spazzing wasn't the word:P can't wait till this weekend its gonna be GREAT!!!:D