I Never Asked For Your Opinion

Today was Hunter. So I had to get up at 5 this morning :( I think I fell asleep while I was in the shower. Got to the school, talked to Michelle. Had the bus ride up. We watched Dumb and Dumber. And I invaded Michelle's phone :p Put some high score's on for Falling Numbers. (Now that I actually figured out how to play) Hmm... the mountain was good. My new boots are nice and comfy, and they were really nice once I got them all adjusted. But my foot was dying. I coudln't do more than three runs without going in the lodge. I couldn't bend my toes after the Annapurna thinger...(I know I spelt that wrong) but that was a freggin awesome trail! We had the best chocolate cake EVER in the lodge. It was SO good! Michelle and I each had a piece for breakfast, and then we split one later on in the day. Haha! :) Ummm, I still have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow...but my sisters are trying to get out of the whole grandma thing too... And they want to go to Robbie's sleigh riding with all his drunk friends. My parents thought I was asking a lot :p I'm so effin tired....
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