Said I'm Gonna Have Myself in Shambles

Today was pretty good I guess :) Computer Tech was interesting... wow. Michelle, you are so dying Friday night. BUT, PJ and Zach won't be there so you could be safe, maybe. Haha. Michelle just printed out my speech outline and Required Reading Paper for me because my printer is being stupid. Thank you :) I was on the phone with her for like an hour tonight... Good times. We were playing Life. Haha. We did that last night too, and she ended up with 5 kids. Anyways Brian's going Friday night :D Should be loads of fun :) ...I gotta go work on my speech a bit, I'll write more tomorrow or something :)
Read 5 comments
ewww its Kristin:P

haha u have to wear the slutty shirt tommorrow (like ppl would really care) ;) if u get my meaning :P

or at least one person
ive never played life, i played it on the computer once, cant remember how it went lol...yeah i love skiing its my life's passion. where do u live/ski?
haha ok good luck and gave fun with brian!
and matchbook romance! wooO!
blahh computer tech is so bad i dunt like it