I'm thinking of you and wishing I'm not

Feeling: hurt
Hmm, so I stole some lyrics from Dan and John for my entry title. Hope you guys don't mind. Anways, today just went to hell after I wrote that last entry. I got really pissed off in English when I thought it was going to be really fun. My finger that I sliced open was like throbbing at one point. Whatever. At lunch Jeremy told me stuff. I got really mad. Then I got really upset. And I cried when I got home. I hate him. Michelle is gonna watch A Cinderelle Story and almost force herself to cry. Haha, its a good movie, worth it I guess. I talked on the phone to Michelle for a while. That was fun. Now I'm talking to her on aol. Whatever. I have to go. --------------------------------------------- Edit: I'm going to do the thing that Kat has in her diary. Here it goes So I type ten sentences, each one about a different person, but I can never tell which one is for who. 1) I would die without you, you are like the sister I've never had. Skiing and everything wouldn't be the same without you and you've helped me through so much. 2) You are so freggin purpley! ;) Ecology and all those classes would NOT be the same without you. 3) You, I HATE you. You are the biggest bastard on the face of the planet and deserve every bit of pain that has ever inflicted you in your life. 4) Its hilarious how you hit on Michelle in german, and you're a great friend. 5) I know things are really hard for you right now, and I understand what you're going through. Just remember no matter what I'll always be here for you! 6) You're the most hilarious uncle anybody could ever have. From your stories about tormenting Mr. Chew and Mrs. Baker hitting on you, you made me smile for a while in a week that was total hell. 7) I strongly dislike you and all of your friends. Its amazing how "cool" you think you are when nobody really likes you. You've hurt me so much more than you could ever imagine. 8) If I could do this summer over I would have gone to bed as soon as I got home from work at night and never stayed up talking to you until 2 in the morning. Look where it got me. 9) You said you'd burn me a CD and put 12 out of 14 songs on there that I already had. You're insane, but hilarious. 10) I can't even imagine being with somebody for six years and expecting to marry them, and then realizing they've been cheating on your with some girl from Canada. You made working this summer so much fun and I still remeber all the advice you've ever given to me.
Read 5 comments
awh why arent you okay?
i kno kno what else to tell u :- but we'll move on and dorget about it

oh hell yeah! thats awesome. i dont know much but i like my chemical romance.
i like those 10 things they're so true :) hope u figure things out and that u feel better
^ LOOK!! i have an icon:D